X-Men Chronicles: The Uncanny X-Men

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X-Tinction Agenda Crossover


From Cairo, Storm is examined by Forge, but her condition of being stuck in a child’s body seems to be permanent. She renews her deep friendship with Jean Grey who visits from X-Factor.


Later the school is attacked by Genoshan troops and surprisingly the missing Havok is with them. Storm realizes that they are outnumbered and taken by surprise and so she decides to lock the underground complex. By this she dooms the fates of herself, Boomer, Rictor, Wolfsbane and Warlock who are all captured and teleported to Genosha, but she ensures that at least the other halves of the teams remain free to prepare a rescue mission.

In Malibu, Lila Cheney teleports back from outer space and mentions that Xavier is in terrible danger before passing out. Havok had lost his memory after entering the Siege Perilous. The X-Men, the X-Factor, along with new mentor Cable and The New Mutants were heading to Genosha to save their teammates. Once there, they discovered Cameron Hodge was a turning cyborg made mutants into slaves. He was once the Director of X-Factor.


Also happened on Genosha, Storm was turned back to her full age; Wolfsbane was now unable to change out of her Werewolf state, and Warlock died in the battle with the Genoshan Magistrates.


Genegineer David Moreau and Moira MacTaggert face each other in a TV debate. Later, Storm tries to take Moreau hostage, but instead she is captured herself and taken to the mutate processing unit. Wolverine, Psylocke and Jubilee, who had been traveling through South Asia, arrive on Genosha and rescue Rictor and Boom-Boom from certain re-capture by the Magistrates. While Jubilee is assigned to watch over the two powerless New Mutants, Logan and Betsy dress up as Magistrates and infiltrate the citadel. Once there, Havok exposes his former teammates and the monstrous Cameron Hodge defeats both X-Men. Their last sight before being taken to prison is Storm, processed into a mindless mutates.


The captured members of the X-teams are put on trial in Genosha. They are offered to volunteer for the mutate bonding process; otherwise they have to face death. All of them choose the later and are brought to Cameron Hodge –the former Public Relations officer of X-Factor, who enjoys having so many “toys“. The mechanical monster has Archangel and Wolverine fight each without restraints and forces the others to watch. Psylocke pretends to no longer bear the brutality and accepts to be transformed into a mutate. Soon after she is led away she surprises her guards with her Asian ninja skills and escapes.

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