The X-Men

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The X-Men
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The X-Men are mutants, human beings who, due to a quantum leap in evolution, are born with superhuman abilities. Because of ordinary bigotry the mutants are often hated by ordinary humans and because humans fear that mutants are destined to replace them. This fact is worsened by a number of mutants, most notably the team's arch-nemesis Magneto who use their powers to try to disrupt and dominate human society.

Considered as an organization of superhumanly powerful mutants that was founded by Professor Charles Xavier, aka Professor X, for two purposes: first, to train such mutants in the uses of their superhuman powers, and second, to serve as a combat team that could defend humanity against attacks by superhumanly powerful mutants who use their powers for criminal ends, as well as against other threats.

The civilian identities of most of the X-Men are unknown to the public. In their civilian identities the X-Men are officially students at or cover as alumni on Professor Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. The School, where the X-Men are based, is housed in Charles Xavier's mansion at 1407 Graymalkin Lane, Salem Center, Westchester County, New York. The Manson serves as the X-Men's base of operations, training center, and living quarters. Although the true identities of two of the X-Men's founding members, the Angel and the Beast, have become public knowledge, they have apparently managed somehow to conceal the fact that they attended Xavier's school from public awareness.

Virtually every member of the X-Men is a superhuman mutant. There have, however, been exceptions, such as the Mimic (a former adversary of the team), an alien who could duplicate the superhuman powers of mutants, and Longshot, an artificially created, genetically engineered humanoid from another dimensional world.

Learn more about them and continue to like them. This website was designed to give information about the journey of the of the gifted and extra ordinary characters the, X-Men. It begun from it's founding years up to the latest buzz of the team. Just click on the links below.


Mutation: it is the key to our evolution. It has enabled us to evolve from a single-celled organism into the dominant species on the planet. This process is slow, and normally taking thousands and thousands of years. But every few hundred millennia, evolution leaps forward.

-Professor Charles Xavier

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