The Chronicles of the Uncanny X-Men

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In every organism on Earth, there exist a mutator gene, the X-Factor, as it is has come to be known. It is the basic building block of evolution. The reason we have evolved from Homo Habilus to Homo Erectus, to Homo Sapien Idaltu, Neanderthals, and finally to Homo Sapiens.


Taking it's clues from climate, terrain, various sources of nourishment, the mutator gene tells the body when it needs to change to adapt to a new environment. The process is subtle. Normally taking thousands of years.


Only in the last few thousands years did mankind begin to make clothes. Build shelters. Use that and grow food in large quantities with his man-made environment remaining relatively stable. The X-Factor became dormant.


Until now.


For reasons still not known to us. We are now seeing the beginning of another stage of human evolution.


-Jean Grey

US Congress Convention

Follow the CHRONICLES of the Uncanny X-Men from the first link selection to the next link. It is sequencially and eventually arranged. Enjoy in discovering their adventures and pains.

Sequel I: The Founding Years

Sequel II: X-Men Essential

Sequel III: The Uncanny X-Men

Sequel IV: The Revolution

Sequel V: The New Evolution

Sequel VI: The Changing Teams

Sequel VII: X-Men Modern Era

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