Assemble: X-Force and X-Factor

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Eliminate Deathbird


In outer space, the X-Men free themselves from the tentacles that were holding them on Deathbird’s command. While Wolverine gets after Deathbird, the X-Men meet their old friends the Starjammers and Lilandra, who eventually defeat the Imperial Guard. After that, the X-Men are reunited with their long lost founder Charles Xavier! When Wolverine brings Deathbird back to Lilandra, who puts her to justice, the gang decides to celebrate their victory and Lilandra becomes rightful Empress again. For the new members of the team it is the first time in space and they try to adjust to it in their own ways. While meditating, Psylocke gets knocked out by an unseen villain. Jubilee and Gambit find a secret passage and see Professor X taking mental control of Gladiator and Oracle and ordering Deathbird’s death. He also says that once the X-Men have outlived their purpose they will be killed too.


Gambit and Jubilee observe Xavier mentally controlling Gladiator into torturing Deathbird. They decide to attack him, and during the battle a wall gives in, revealing the shackled Lila Cheney behind. Gambit frees her and in the battle, she teleports away with Deathbird. Xavier and Gladiator are too powerful and succeed in capturing Jubilee, however Gambit slips away. The battle is not unnoticed and the other X-Men, Starjammers and Lilandra hurry to the fight scene. Gladiator and Xavier say that Deathbird escaped with the help of Lila, but claim to have not seen the two missing X-Men. However Wolverine picks up the scent of his young companion and sensing something wrong with Xavier, he rams his claws into him. While all are shocked, Psylocke uses her telepathy to knock the apparently mad Logan out. Right then Deathbird and Lila appear and teleport the remaining X-Men away. They show the X-Men that Lilandra and Xavier are responsible for genocide. Back at the palace it turns out that the Starjammers, Psylocke and Xavier have all been replaced by power mimicking Warskrulls.


While they add Logan and Jubilee to their collection of imprisoned specimen, the Warskrulls replace the deceased Xavier with a new one, and again they have Lilandra and through her the Shi’Ar Empire under control. The Starjammers try to hunt down the still free X-Men, while Deathbird receives a mysterious telepathic message.


The X-Men fight the Starjammers, who turn out to be Warskrulls in disguise. From inside their ship, Gambit helps his friends, while Lila Cheney and Deathbird discover the Warskrulls matrix chamber, where all captives are held in some strange techno-organic net. The real Xavier mentally guides Lila to teleport the rest of the X-Men into that chamber as well and a big fight starts. At first the X-Men (Storm, Forge, Banshee, and Gambit) seem to hold their ground against Gladiator and the Skrull versions of Wolverine, Psylocke and Jubilee, but the fake Xavier then attacks them with his telepathy.


However the matrix control was damaged in the fight, allowing the real Xavier to free himself, and in direct battle, the original proves to be better than the copy. With their leader’s defeat all Warskrulls decompose. Xavier explains that after his capture, he was sending out psychic S.O.S. calls and surprisingly found a sympathetic soul in Deathbird. It was him who subconsciously influenced her to get Lila Cheney and the X-Men to help. Lilandra wants to talk with her sister about the throne, but Deathbird says that she no longer wants it, in fact she came to hate the daily duties of monitoring the huge Empire, and she leaves.


The X-Men inform Xavier of how they fared in his absence and of Moira’s strange behavior and he understands that the Shadow King is back. He says goodbye to his love Lilandra and decides to go back to Earth with the X-Men.

Shatterstar, Boom Boom, Cable, Cannonball, Thunderbird II, Domino, Feral, Siryn

The X-Force and New X-Factor


The New Mutants rescued Domino from the hands of Tulliver. Later she revealed that she is Copycat who once tried to destroy X-Force base. Then joined the group after knowing the good intention of the team and helped Cable in building the new team.

After Genosha unfortunate events, the New Mutant's Cannonball, Boom Boom or Meltdown, Shatterstar, Feral and Warpath changed the name of the team Six Pack to X-Force. Cable took a more active role and recruited a new member Siryn. The new team led by Cable was composed of the New Mutants and new recruits. They still influenced to the philosophy of Xavier. The new team members were Feral, Meltdown, Rictor, Shatterstar, Warpath, Siryn and Domino. In his desire to meet his brother, Bedlam later joined X-Force after being rescued from the captivity of the Sentinels and Tulliver. Domino was also captured that time.


Domino (Neena Beatrice Thurman) cerebral cortex emits bioelectric pulses that raise her agility and reflexes to peak levels and initiate random telekinetic acts that cause probabilities to fall into place for her.

Bedlam (Jesse Aaronson), can generate a bio-electric field that wreaks havoc with electrical systems and he can generate an EM-disrupting pulse for a distance, without having to be in physical contact with the target machinery.

Siryn (Theresa Rourke Cassidy), an Irish a mutant who has the ability to create various sonic effects through the combined action of her vocal cords and limited psionic powers which can only be used in conjunction with the sounds she produces. She inherited these powers from her father, who has the same abilities.



At the time of the Crusades, Apocalypse arranged for the warrior Bennet du Paris to activate his latent mutant powers for the first time. Renaming him Exodus, Apocalypse made him his servant but later cast him into a deathlike trance when Exodus rebelled against him.


Subsequently, Apocalypse began recruiting a team of mutant agents he called his Horsemen. After the saga of Deathbird’s battle, Angel was hurt so bad. But in that event the X-Men could not locate Angel.


Apocalypse rescued Warren K. Worthington III, alias the Angel, from death and manipulated him into serving him as the Horseman named Death. Worthington's wings had been amputated, but Apocalypse used his advanced genetic engineering techniques to give him new wings with metal-like feathers. He was instructed to lead Apocalypse’s the Four Horsemen and they attacked the X-men.


Though he was brainwashed by Apocalypse, Warren Worthington III was able to retain his memory.


Eventually, however, Worthington forsook Apocalypse and returned to X-Factor and renamed as Archangel, and then to the X-Men.


Jean Grey, Cyclops, Beast, Iceman and Archangel rejoined the X-Men, Banshee and Forge took a leave of absence again to help Dr. MacTaggert rebuild the lab on Muir Island. MacTaggert and Sean Cassidy got married.

Strong Guy, Wolfsbane, Quicksilver, Polaris, Havok, Multiple Man

The New X-Factor was organized and remains as its purpose. The New X-Factor was led by Havok and Polaris, and joined by Feral, Wolfsbane, Skids and Rusty. They have tried recruited the Quicksilver, Strong Guy, Random and Multiple Man who was also a former student of Xavier.


Strong Guy (Guido Carosella) an American, with superhuman strength, endurance, and durability, convert kinetic energy into temporary increases in his strength. The former body guard of Lila Chenney.


Random (Marshall Evan Stone III) an American with physical form made of morphing protoplasm, which acts to counteract any force or mutant ability directed at it, can expand his mass and strength, and can be fired as biomatter projectiles


Multiple Man (James Arthur Madrox) an American, who can create exact physical duplicates of himself upon contact with any amount of kinetic energy


By this time Nightcrawler, Rachel Summers and Shadowcat remained were active member's force of the Excalibur with Captain Britain, Meggan, Lockheed, Pete Wisdom and Widget. Later after the Excalibur was disbanded Pete Wisdom joined the group and Nightcrawler and Shadowcat rejoined with X-men.


Pete Wisdom, a British who is capable of generating blade-shaped plates of pure heat (called "Hot Knives") and projecting them from his hands at obstacles. Wisdom can control the size and number of these knives, and with concentration can cause a "Hot Knife" to remain in existence for a longer period of time than his usual knives. The maximum temperature of Wisdom's knives has yet to be recorded, but it is at least the melting point of steel.


After original X-Factor re-joined with the X-Men the U.S. Government brought in Dr. Valerie Cooper to form a New X-Factor under their control. Havok was team leader, with Polaris now with her power's back, Multiple Man, Strong Guy, Wolfsbane and Random as the founding member's. Quicksilver helped the team on their first mission, and stayed on to join the team. Pietro Maximoff is the son of Magneto and his twin sister is Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch) who was both former member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Scarlet Witch later joined the Avengers.


Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff) is a mutant who possesses the superhuman capacity to think and move at great speeds. His entire body is adapted towards the rigors of high-speed running.


Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff) a twin sister or Quicksilver who has the ability to manipulate the fabric of reality. While the conscious effects of this power have generally been limited over the years to short-range "hex bolts" to a variety of effects

Assassinating Hellfire Club


While the Blue Team is rescuing Wolverine, the Gold Team is heading for Emma Frost.


Shinobi Shaw and Trevor Fitzroy belong to a new group called Upstarts. They are in competition against each other and get points for killing certain people. Currently their targets are present and former members of the Hellfire Club’s Inner Circle. Shinobi is in the lead for having killed his father, but Fitzroy plans to get ahead by sending his own breed of Sentinels to Australia where they slaughter most of the Reavers to get to Donald Pierce. Only Lady Deathstryke and Cylla are clever enough to realize that as long as they don’t get in the way, they won’t get attacked. Pierce tells Gateway to take him to the person responsible and enters the teleportation portal with some Sentinels following him.


Learning that the members of the Hellfire Club were under attack by the Upstarts, Emma contacted the X-Men for help and they came to another party she was hosting. Suddenly, Trevor Fitzroy teleported in, ready to attack the White Queen while his personal Sentinels were slaughtering the Reavers in Australia. Donald Pierce tried to escape and ordered Gateway to take him to the person responsible, but a few Sentinels followed him into the warpgate. They emerged at the Hellfire party and one of the first Sentinel blasts hit Emma Frost. Empath thought her dead, not feeling any emotions from her.


Meanwhile the X-Men Gold team is attending a Hellfire Club party, meeting with the Hellions and the White Queen Emma Frost. She contacted them for help as somebody has tried to kill her several times. Fitzroy appears, intending to finish what his operatives could not, but the X-Men defeat him. Right then Gateway’s portal opens and Pierce arrives with the Sentinels in pursuit. The robots kill both Emma Frost and Donald Pierce, and on Fitzroy’s command then battle the Hellions and the X-Men. The young mutants panic and end up captured or killed one by one. The X-Men ensure that the civilians are out of harm’s way and manage to destroy one of the Sentinels; however Jean gets outnumbered by the other two and realizes that she has only one slight chance of surviving. Yet she gets blasted by the robots and is apparently dead. Fitzoy and his robots leave.


Despite the X-Men’s good intentions, the Hellions were killed one by one by either Fitzroy or the mutant hunting robots, who finally started to attack Jean Grey. In the last instant, Jean managed to transfer her consciousness into Frost’s comatose body. When she later awoke, she discovered that Fitzroy had claimed it as a prize but she took him by surprise when she managed to generate a telekinetic field in the White Queen’s body. Later, the X-Men retrieved her and Xavier helped her back into her own body, while the comatose Emma was brought to the mansion’s sick bay.


The X-Men return to the mansion with the body of Jean Grey, who was killed by the Sentinels while the X-Men attended a party at the Hellfire Club.


Xavier scans Jean and discovers that the woman is not dead, but has somehow transferred her psyche into the body of Emma Frost, who supposedly died, though Xavier does not believe so. Jean wakes up inside Emma’s body and witnesses Fitzroy forcibly take control of the Upstarts from Shinobi Shaw.


Later on, Fitzroy displays his powers and opens a portal to the future to bring some of his allies. When he tries to absorb Emma, Jean retaliates and surprises everyone with her telekinesis. The X-Men find Jean, thanks to data from a Sentinel, and they bring her back to the Blackbird to return her back to her body. The other X-Men stay behind to battle Fitzroy, who kills all the Hellions in his possession and opens a giant portal, which unleashes an army of denizens from the future. The X-Men defeat the army and turn their attention to Fitzroy, who is attacked by new arrivals from the portal, including a man named Bishop, who wears a uniform similar to those of the X-Men!


And this moment Bishop emerge who traveled time to stop the assassination of the Professor Xavier and the massacre of the X-Men in this timeline and the world were headed by Apocalypse and Magneto. He went to the mansion and joined the team in searching who is the traitor.

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