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The X-Men
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Age of Apocalyse
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Emma Frost Reborn


The White Queen (Emma Frost) was brought to the school for medical treatment (she was brain dead) after the battle against the Sentinels led by Trevor Fitzroy. Many mutants had died. The member of mutants who were killed was Catseye, Jetstream, Roulette, Tarot, Beef, and Bevaftron. However some survivors were Magma, Bedlam, Firestar, Paradigm, Feral, Warpath, Empath and Switch.

Firestar (Angelica Jones) American, can tap into Earth's electromagnetic field and convert it into microwave radiation emissions, which she can use to radiate blinding light, burning pyro-beam discharges, activate and maintain stargates, scramble E.M. frequencies, and propel herself through the air


Empath (Manuel Alfonzo Rodrigo de la Rocha) Spanish, who can sense emotional states and desires from other sentient beings, manipulate the emotions of others


Emma was nursed in the Xavier Institute after it was reported brain-dead. Though the Professor sees potential on her, as one of the future X-Men who will help in his dream and his Institute.

Time Traveler: Lucas Bishop


Apocalypse, temporarily weakened by a virus with which Nathaniel Essex (Mister Sinister) had infected him, went back to waiting for the proper moment to reemerge. Apocalypse battled with the original X-Factor and the New Mutants.


Apocalypse (En Sabah Nuhr) Egyptian, metahuman strength, speed, endurance, and reflexes, megamorphic power allows him to assume any human form, grow to tremendous size, or reshape his body composition at will, discharge concussive plasma blasts, teleportation, absorb outside sources of power to increase his own abilities


Mister Sinister (Nathaniel Essex) British, metahuman strength, endurance, reflexes, and resistance to injury, telepathy, concussive plasma bolts, total control of his body at a cellular level, adapt his physical form to counteract mutant powers


Stryfe (Nathan Christopher Charles Summers) the cloned Cable, peak human strength, speed, endurance, reflexes and intellect, telepathy, psycho-kinesis, absorb the psychic energy from others nearby


Bishop, Malcolm and Randall battle the criminals from the future, who desperately try to save Fitzroy. While Bishop kills the criminals, Fitzroy escapes, only to be captured by Shinobi Shaw, who tells him that the Gamesmaster deemed Fitzroy a cheater and takes his ring back. The X-Men try to stop Bishop, who seems to be an X-Man from the future, but the man believes that Fitzroy is trying to trick him with impostor X-Men.


Bishop (Lucas Bishop) is a mutant who can absorb kinetic energy directed toward him and project it from his hands in concussive blasts. He possesses the normal strength of a man of his age, height and builds who engages in intensive regular exercise. Whose Father is Gateway a former student of Xavier and his sister Shard. His name was revealed later and discovered that he is possibly the son of Gateway.


Randall is a mutant who can absorb any form of radioactive particles into his body and then dissipate them harmlessly into the atmosphere


Malcolm is mutant who can sense the presence of any humans in his area and determine whether they are genetically enhanced or otherwise


The X-Men battle Bishop and the others until Storm defeats the three. Meanwhile, Xavier and Forge help restore Jean back to her body, but Xavier senses another presence. Fitzroy’s complex detonates and the X-Men are separated from Bishop. Bishop and his men escape to track the rest of the criminals and the real X-Men. The X-Men regroup and Storm is more determined than ever to discover the truth about Bishop.


Meanwhile, Gamesmaster and Selene watch the events unfold and laugh at what they have in store for the Upstarts.


On the Sakhalin Islands, Sunfire meets with government officials from Japan and Russia to deal with a massive, sealed crater on the island. While investigating, Sunfire uses his powers on the cap to the crater. The crater changes into a void and knocks out Sunfire. Three figures emerge from the void and kill everyone else. Nearby, the X-Men are on their way home from their latest battle when they receive a distress call. They reach the island and engage in battle with the aliens. However, Storm realizes that the aliens are fighting to protect the crater. The aliens are defeated but one of them reveals that they were not here to kill mindlessly, but to protect the X-Men’s world from the void. With that said, the void opens and sucks in the X-Men, while Xavier and Forge escape. Meanwhile, Bishop, Malcolm and Randall begin to hunt down the criminals from the future. Unfortunately, the men have no other choice but to kill the criminals, who refuse to turn themselves in, which are all of them.


After being sucked into the void, the X-Men are teleported to another world, which is torn by war, but are all separated. Unfortunately, the void continues to grow and threatens to suck in the entire Earth. Colossus and Jean are surrounded by rebel forces, which mistake Colossus for their ancient savior, who is the only one who can close the portal. While Jean and Colossus are taken back to the rebel camp, Archangel finds himself aiding some civil guards against the rebels.


However, Archangel’s metal wings take control on him and he kills the rebels. Archangel snaps out of his trance and is horrified to learn what happened. He is taken back to the civil guard base and meets their leader, Sha-Har-A-Zath, leader of the Triumvirate. Before Archangel can object, Sha-Har-A-Zath makes him leader of her forces and prepares him for the final battle against the rebels. Storm is found by a mysterious man, who sneaks her into the rebel base upon hearing her story and the story of the savior’s return. Once there, the man confronts Colossus and reveals that he is his brother, the long-lost and thought dead Mikhail Rasputin!


Meanwhile on Earth, Bishop and the others continue to kill the criminals from the future and they also swear to prevent their horrible future from ever occurring.


Mikhail Rasputin, a Russian who can manipulate the subatomic substance of matter, warp energy patterns to alter their wavelengths. Brother of Piotr and Illyana Rasputin.


Colossus is in disbelief that his brother is alive, but quickly learns that his eyes do not deceive him. The X-Men tell Mikhail that he needs to close the portal with his powers but Mikhail refuses to and recants the tale of how he first arrived on this world and, after a brutal confrontation, he defeated his enemy with his powers, but killed all of the thousands present, including his beloved wife. Colossus is angered that Mikhail refuses to help, leaving the rest of the team in a jam. Archangel is mind-controlled by the Avatar to serve her army and, the next day, he leads the Triumvirate against the rebels and X-Men. Jean is able to snap Archangel free from the spell, just as Iceman and Sunfire reunite with the team. The Triumvirate injures Colossus and Mikhail attacks. The void grows bigger and jettisons the Avatar into the sky. Colossus and the X-Men finally convince Mikhail to use his powers and, with the aid, he is able to close the portal without killing anyone. He returns the X-Men and himself to Earth with the aid of Sunfire, Iceman and Jean.


Bishop, Malcolm and Randall attack the last group of criminals in a New York City nightclub, where they kill most of them. The tide of the battle shifts and the criminals kill Malcolm and Randall in an explosion that also kills almost all of the surviving bad guys, except for two. Bishop is about to avenge Malcolm and Randall’s death, when the X-Men arrive. Bishop shoots at Storm but is actually aiming for the killer behind her. The teams mistakes Bishop’s shots as hostility and attack him, which leads to Bishop being impaled.


While the X-Men discover the truth, Bishop runs after the last criminal, Stylus, only to pass out in an alley. While unconscious, Bishop dreams about the events preceding this in his own time, when he and the others captured Fitzroy in the sewers. They discovered a recording by Jean Grey in the sewers, proving that the X-Men were killed by one of their own. Bishop contacted the Witness, who reportedly was the last to see the X-Men alive, but the man refused to help. Fitzroy escaped from prison and took an army of criminals to the past. Bishop, Malcolm and Randall followed. Bishop wakes up in the infirmary convinced that these are the real X-Men. Xavier speaks with Bishop and, moments later, surprises the team by making Bishop the newest X-Man.


Dismiss the Traitor


After the Genoshan battle, attack of Shadow King and murder of the Hellions…the team had Bishop as the newest member.


Storm and Xavier are giving a tour of the mansion to their newest X-Men Bishop. As Bishop walks in to where the X-Men are waiting to introduce themselves to him, his eyes become wide and is amazed to see all his past heroes in one room. After he hears Gambit talk though, he recognizes the voice as the mysterious Witness from his future timeline. Bishop reveals Gambit’s real name setting Gambit off and Cyclops steps between them to keep them from fighting. Xavier tells them to continue with their plans for a picnic and everyone leaves to get ready.


At the lake Cyclops is distracted by Psylocke swimming and does not hear what Jean is saying to him. Storm and Bishop are walking together and she is trying to convince him to not be so hard, that to become better then his enemies he has to choose peace before violence. Elsewhere Rogue has prepared a meal for Gambit, but it is interrupted when Bishop shows up. Gambit picks a fight with him and charges a pie up Rogue had made and threw it at Bishop, but Bishop ducked and it accidentally hit Rogue instead. As Bishop and Gambit begin to laugh and discuss their differences an unknown assailant blasts them off their feet. Gambit stops Bishop from firing back saying that their assailant is his wife Bella Donna.


Later in the X-Mansion Belle explains why she needs Gambits help and the Blue team heads off on a train to New Orleans. Although now in New Orleans a cop tries to pull over the Ghost Rider for going over the speed limit, but when the cop notices his face he runs off scared.


Jean overhears a conversation between some of the men and Cyclops and is troubled to learn that there may be something going on between him and

their teammate, Psylocke. Cyclops and Beast meet Bishop, who is soon put under Storm’s tutelage. Bishop demands that Storm takes him to New York City so he can get accustomed to the culture. Reluctantly, Storm agrees but decides to take the rest of her team as well. The team goes out, along with Bobby’s girlfriend, Opal Tanaka. However, Opal does not tell Bobby that an old rival of his is coming to visit her soon. Bishop takes in the wonders of the city but also finds Styglut, the last living criminal from the future. Bishop attacks Styglut and the two get into a fight, neither noticing the massive damage they are causing. Storm tries to stop the two but ends up incidentally fueling Bishop’s powers, which he uses to kill Styglut. Storm shows Bishop all the damage he has done and all the civilians he has injured. Bishop is horrified by what he sees and realizes that there is much he needs to learn. That night, Bishop gives Storm his combat insignia from his uniform and promises to listen to her more.


In the mansion, Storm begins Bishop’s orientation into the X-Men. Bishop, however, still has problems adjusting to the fact that he is actually with the X-Men of legend. Archangel continues to brood over his transformation. Mystique tries to reach out to Archangel but does nothing more than taunt the man, who lashes out at her. Storm, Bishop and Forge investigate the ruckus but Archangel leaves the mansion in anger when Xavier tries to reprimand him. Storm blames Mystique, who is defended by Forge. Forge storms out and Storm gives chase. Forge confronts her about their relationship and wants her to leave the X-Men with him, but insinuates that she has problems with having a life outside the team. In a move that catches Storm off guard, Forge proposes to her. Meanwhile, Iceman and Opal have dinner with Bobby’s parents but Mr. Drake does not keep his opinion on their interracial relationship quiet, which angers Bobby.


Suddenly, Bobby’s old rival and Opal’s cousin, Hiro, arrives and tells them that Bobby’s parent’s lives are in danger. Suddenly, the Cyburai appear and announce that they have come to kill the Drakes.


The X-Men and Bella Donna watch Ghost Rider turn into a Brood Soldier. As the Brood’s Queen taunts the X-Men an army of Brood Slaymasters crashes through the ceiling. The X-Men fight them with Wolverine lashing out at the Brood Queen, yet the floor gives in, sending the X-Men in different corridors in the caverns below. Gambit and Bella Donna land together and angrily Bella Donna demands the reasons for why he left her behind so many years ago. Gambit explains to her that had had to leave after killing Belle’s brother in self-defense, and despite knowing that she would have wanted to come with him, he did not want her to leave her home and family, so he left alone. He also apologizes for leaving her and they hug. In another corridor Beast and Wolverine face the possessed Ghost Rider and then it runs away because Dan Ketch, Ghost Rider’s host, is fighting the Brood’s control. While yet in another corridor Jubilee runs scared into a chamber full of members of the Thieves Guild that was captured with the intention of assimilating them later after they have transformed the Guild’s special children. Rogue shows up and helps the Guild members from their stasis pods. The possessed Ghost Rider comes in with other soldiers and attacks the two X-Men members. They all come crashing through the wall and near where Cyclops and Psylocke are. Gambit then comes in and takes out the possessed Ghost Rider and Psylocke uses her psi-knife to enter Ghost Rider’s mind. Bella Donna enters the astral plane with Psylocke and finds the Brood soldier trying to take over Dan Ketch’s essence. Bella Donna attacks the Brood soldier distracting it long enough for Psylocke to separate it from Dan Ketch’s essence. Belle then uses all her strength to rip the Brood soldier’s essence apart. The act though ends up apparently killing her and Gambit asks the members of the Thieves Guild to take her dead body home. Then the X-Men and Ghost Rider head off to save the Guild’s children.


Rescue the Professor


At Xavier’s Institute Gambit and Rogue discuss earlier events with Gambits wife Bella Donna and Beast is taking Betsy to the airport to visit her brother in England, while Cyclops watches Betsy leaving from his bedroom window and wondering about his new feelings he has for both Betsy and Jean.


In the Danger Room Jubilee is going through a battle simulation against the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants IV, as Wolverine interrupts the exercise demanding that Xavier tell him why he lied about knowing nothing of Logan’s past. Xavier scolds Logan for going through his personal files. Wolverine apologizes for going through Xavier’s personal files and the professor explains that the file pertains to events in 1964 and his father’s work at Almagordo.


In the past Brian Xavier was working along fellow scientists Kurt Marko and Alexander Ryking. Ryking’s son Carter was a mutant and was taken to a hospital where he was held sedated ever since because of his uncontrollable powers.


In the present Carter Ryking, a.k.a. Hazard, goes out of control after watching CNN’s news report on his father’s death and breaks free. Xavier too saw the news report on Alexander Ryking’s death and decides to go to the funeral. As Xavier is contemplating the past at the gravesite, Carter Ryking mindlinks with Xavier. Carter Ryking explains that he sent the file to Xavier, who tries to calm him down so he does not kill anymore-innocent people.


Carter takes Xavier to Almagordo to find out about their past. Valerie Cooper informs the X-Men of Xavier’s kidnapping and they leave to rescue him.


The X-Men blue team (minus Psylocke and Jubilee) arrives at Almagordo where Xavier is being held hostage by Hazard, a.k.a. Carter Ryking. Hazard asks why Xavier didn’t come here to find out about their past when Hazard sent Xavier the file about the place. Xavier says he didn’t believe what he read, which causes Hazard to blow away the side of a wall revealing a secret part of the lab. Rogue and Wolverine find the secret lab too and start to look for Xavier. Cyclops, Gambit, and Beast blow through another wall to enter the complex, revealing Hazard with Wolverine, Rogue, and Xavier captured. Rogue and Gambit try to fight off Hazard and are defeated. Cyclops complains of the team not fighting in an organized style so Cyclops and Beast try to attack Hazard. Beast buries Hazard in debris, but he breaks free trying to attack Cyclops, who fires his double shot from his visor destroying Hazard’s teaser firing mechanisms. Unknown to Cyclops though Hazard cannot control his plasma energy without his mechanisms to focus his powers. While the X-Men decide to retreat, Xavier goes into Hazard’s mind showing him how to release his power without hurting himself or the X-Men.


Hazard's power explodes destroying Almagordo, but saving himself and the X-Men. Wolverine decides to use Hazard’s temporarily loss of power to his advantage and demands some answers about Almagordo’s past, but Xavier tells Wolverine to let him go. They will not get any answers from him today and if there are any answers to their father’s past it will be found where they lived not where they died.

Cable and Bishop

The Newest members of the X-Men were the time travellers. This includes Phoenix, Cable and returning the past to save Xavier's dream...Bishop.
The X-Men leave to head back to the mansion, failing to notice a paper entitled Shiva Scenario, mentioning Kurt Marko, Alexander Ryking and Brian Xavier as involved scientists.

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