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Emma Frost in Golgotha Saga

Golgotha Saga


Havok, Polaris, Iceman, Rogue and Gambit arrive in Antarctica after receiving distress calls from a mutant colony trying to set up their own Utopia. Discovering masses of mutant bodies, either dead by suicide or killing each other, the X-Men also discover "Golgotha" scrawled on the wall in blood. The White Queen telepathically informs them the biblical meaning of Golgotha, before a mutant reveals himself to be alive still - only to kill himself in front of them. Iceman comforts Polaris, who blames herself, until Havok scolds him. Polaris is then attacked by a perverse mutant, and ends up killing him. Havok scolds Lorna for using her powers to kill, which is not what X-Men do, when a group of zombie like mutants approaches them. Rogue uses her powers to go into the mind of one of them and learns little, before they are attacked by another group of mutants. They manage to subdue one of them, who, after telling them that they will never escape, that it will destroy them too, bites his tongue off so he doesn't have to tell them anything about Golgotha, The White Queen then arrives, and after riling Havok, the mutant has a heart attack, but before he dies Emma learns who Golgotha is, and where it is.

The X-Men find Golgotha and debate whether or not to bring him back to the States. The Emma Frost wants to study him, but Havok thinks he is too dangerous, eventually Wolverine convinces them to compromise. Some of the X-Men comment about Polaris' mental stability, while Iceman makes a joke about Gambit and Rogue not being able to touch - Gambit admits that it is getting to him, and later Rogue reveals that it is getting to her also. Some of the X-Men travel to Calvary, which turns out to be only one of several possible Calvary's, but while there, Rogue and Gambit discover a small trinket shaped like the Golgotha they found in the South Pole. The White Queen hooks herself up to Cerebra and links to Golgotha - and suffers for it, as she is collapse while trying to leave and warn the others of something. Meanwhile, a mutant called Boy is let go by his rich human employers who used him as a servant. He recruits dozens of mutants in Las Angeles, and later they murder the rich family and their friends, leaving "Golgotha" scrawled on the wall in blood.

Emma Frost regains consciousness and warns the X-Men in Calvary, who are fighting a second "Golgotha" that there is still trouble in LA, and Boy and his gang kill restaurant patrons, before making their own headquarters at a Western film set, and later kill some television executives. After Wolverine comments that Havok does have a problem with Iceman and Polaris, the three of them go to LA and after Wolverine gives Bobby some advice on how to deal with Polaris and Havok, they locate Boy and his followers, and bring Boy back to the Institute. Boy's arrival sparks some trivial problems between the friends and teammates in the X-Men, and he jibes Wolverine by telling him he is too old to be hanging around the X-Men. Later, Wolverine considers what Boy said and decides to leave to clear his head - only to discover that Emma has imposed twenty-four hour quarantine on them all.

The X-Men are under quarantine, and are searching for the real Golgotha, which is smaller than a pea, but grows as it feeds on peoples fears and demons. As the X-Men search for Golgotha, they all deal with their own fears: Polaris deals with insanity, Iceman has to contend with everything around him turning to ice. Gambit and Rogue are forced to confront not only their feelings for each other, but Rogue kisses Wolverine and absorbs his life energies, believing that she is actually Wolverine. Gambit also fights an imaginary Mister Sinister. Wolverine is confronted by his age and whether he still belongs with the X-Men, as Havok is compared to Cyclops and must deal with Polaris and Iceman being an item. The White Queen meanwhile looks into a mirror and sees herself old, and is about to perform plastic surgery on her, until Havok stops her. Believing him to by Cyclops she attacks him, believing that he has feelings for Polaris. Eventually, Polaris rises above the madness and after seeing Golgotha on the x-jet which she apparently checked, she knows she is not insane. The X-Men regroup and destroy Golgotha. However it is not all over, as a mutant known as Gazer who lives aboard a space station informs Emma that there is some kind of space storm headed for Earth, and indeed, hundreds of Golgotha are making their way to Earth.


The X-Men try to convince General O’Shea to let them go into space to deal with the Golgotha, but he doesn’t like the idea - until, as Emma Frost later reveals, he realizes that they probably wont survive, which suits his anti-mutant agenda. After taking a NASA space ship to a space station, the X-Men prepare for the battle against over three hundred Golgotha, while dealing with all the emotions and events that Golgotha has recently caused them. Havok suggests to everyone that they pretend what Golgotha did to them never happen. Everyone has mixed feelings about that, before they don their space suits and head into space for the battle, where Havok and Polaris, the two most powerful X-Men, will be using their powers to tear through the Golgotha, and the others are to pick up any they miss. Iceman is annoyed about Lorna having to work with Havok, and soon Alex and Lorna are separated from the others after a large power surge from Havok. While Wolverine, Emma, Iceman and the others discuss what to do, Alex and Lorna soon return, with Havok deciding that perhaps they shouldn’t pretend what Golgotha did never happened. Polaris is acting rather strangely, before suddenly unleashing a powerful blast, which kills the remaining Golgotha after she whispers that it looked right at her. Afterwards though, Lorna reveals that she cannot remember what happened. Later, O’Shea and the President discuss what happened, with the President stating that he doesn’t want the world to know that the world was saved by mutants, not that he has anything against them, but because he doesn’t want them turned into heroes.


Bizarre Love Triangle


A young mutant girl dubbed Foxx finds sanctuary at the Xavier Institute, which leads to Havok and the White Queen being at odds about which squad to put her on, Alex wanting her on Iceman’s, while Emma wants her on Gambit’s, both pointing out that this girl may cause trouble for either Remy or Bobby. Foxx is introduced to Gambit and her squad-mates, and asks Gambit if she can have one-on-one lessons to catch up on what she has missed out on, which Gambit refuses. In telepathic therapy, Rogue and Gambit attempt to have sex, but even in the mind, Rogue’s powers absorb Gambit, and he ends up nearly a withered husk, though Emma slowly brings him back to normal. Foxx informs Rogue how much she admires her, but Rogue isn’t interested, and when one of Foxx’s squad-mates tries to get to know her, Foxx threatens him. After his recovery, Gambit seems to take his frustrations out on training his squad, and later, in the showers, Foxx practically throws herself at Gambit in the steamy showers, pointing out that he is past his prime, and every day he spends celibate the more his libido fades. In a conversation with Wolverine, Rogue is rather confident that Remy would never cheat on her. Meanwhile, Havok pesters Polaris about what it is she saw in space, but Lorna claims she cannot remember - or doesn’t want to remember. Iceman tells Havok to back off, until Lorna asks her past and present boyfriends to stop talking about her like she isn’t around. Iceman also encourages Lorna to speak about memories she may have with Havok, claiming he is not jealous.


Gambit wakes up, due to dreaming that he and Foxx did indeed hook up in the shower room. Rogue, who is sleeping in the bed beside Gambit at the White Queen’s suggestion, wakes up and tries to get Gambit to talk about his “nightmare”, but he refuses. Gambit and Rogue have another telepathic therapy session with Emma, but as they are about to kiss, Gambit no longer sees Rogue, instead he sees Foxx and breaks the link, Rogue soon realizes who it is he saw - Foxx - someone he can actually touch. Gambit takes his squad away on a field trip, which results in Foxx trying to seduce him some more, but the rest of Foxx’s squad are on to her, but Foxx denies everything, which ensures a fight between her and Bling. The boys (Flubber, Onyxx and Rain Boy) confront Gambit, but Remy just tells them to mind their business. Upon returning to the Institute, Gambit finds that Rogue has moved out of his room, and after searching the Institute for her, he finally finds her, only for Rogue to suggest that perhaps he does get involved with Foxx, after all, he will be able to touch her - but Gambit claims that he doesn’t want any other woman. However, later that night, Foxx is in Gambit’s room, trying to seduce him again - until she reveals herself to be Mystique. Mystique explains that she is here in the interest of her daughter, and suggests to Gambit that he has some physical release - even though Mystique is slightly disturbed by the idea of it herself. However, after transforming into Rogue, she and Gambit move closer together. Meanwhile, Havok enlists Nightcrawler to help him find out what it is that Polaris saw in space - but Lorna isn’t telling anyone, claiming that she still doesn’t remember.


Mystique contacts an associate who is currently breaking and entering and asks for another “fix”, but her associate is unable to, and warns her that she best be careful the telepaths at the Xavier Institute don’t pick up on what she is up to. Gambit informs Rogue that Foxx is leaving the Institute, so Rogue goes to see her off - until the White Queen, Havok, Iceman and Gambit come to prevent her from leaving - as Emma has discovered Foxx isn’t who she claims to be! Mystique drops the disguise, surprising everyone, especially Rogue, except that Emma telepathically learns Gambit isn’t surprised - that he already knew. Rogue argues with her boyfriend about this, as Mystique prepares her getaway, only to be stopped by Havok, then Gambit, the two engaging in a serious fight. Rogue breaks them up using her new fire powers, and Mystique reveals that she couldn’t resist in showing Rogue what a loser Gambit is, and that she wants to join the X-Men, as it has been some time since she last worked with a team. The X-Men deliberate Raven’s request after they put her in a containment cell. Rogue wants her thrown out ASAP, but Polaris thinks Mystique should be given a chance to present her case. Emma decides that this involves the other X-Men, and decides to contact them so everyone can be a part of the decision making process. Gambit tries to talk to Rogue, who wants nothing to do with him. Emma reveals to Cyclops that she couldn’t probe Mystique’s mind properly, while Rogue confronts Mystique alone, asking her if she “gave herself” to Gambit. Meanwhile, Havok continues to pester Polaris about what she saw in space, but Emma refuses to enter Lorna’s mind. Havok wonders if what Lorna saw in space is having some effect on the Institute after Emma mentions the telepaths have all been a little “off”. Havok then admits to Lorna that he still loves her, that he made a mistake in leaving her for Annie. But Lorna replies that even if she still felt the same way, she couldn’t go back to him, for it would upset Iceman so much and she reminds Havok that he broke her heart.


Rogue has a heated argument with Mystique, and in an attempt to discover whether her foster mother and Gambit slept together, tries to absorb Mystique’s thoughts, but is unsuccessful. A furious Rogue discovers Gambit tutoring his student Bling, and tells Bling to leave, before she gets into an argument with Gambit, again, demanding to know whether or not he and Mystique slept together, to which Gambit claims that nothing happened. The next day, Bling and her squad mates watch as all the X-Men gather and wonder what is going on. Bling informs the boys that it is because Mystique was pretending to be Foxx and now she wants to join the team. Onyxx had a crush on Foxx and is rather upset. Rogue asks Emma to read Gambit’s mind to discover if he and Mystique slept together, which Emma refuses to do. Mystique gives her reasons for wanting to join the X-Men. The X-Men begin to debate whether or not Raven should be allowed on the team, which brings up all sorts of issues. Back in her cell, Mystique is attacked by Onyxx, but he is no match for her, and she soon takes him down. Nightcrawler informs his mother of how he felt when he heard she wanted to join the X-Men and asks her to disappear for a while, after everything she has put him through, he thinks it is the least she can do. Once the X-Men have finished deliberating, it is agreed that Mystique will be given probationary membership, but when Rogue goes to tell her of the verdict, Raven is gone. Later, Mystique has met up with her mysterious friend, Augustus, who asks if Rogue knows about him yet. Mystique replies that she doesn’t, but will soon. Augustus wants to know what happened between Mystique and Gambit, to which Raven tells him that the details hardly matter, as his relationship with Rogue has turned into a wound which will fester. Augustus still wants to know what happened, but Mystique isn’t giving any details out.

House of Magneto


On Genosha, Wanda Maximoff alters reality to make it seem as if she truly has children once again. However, Professor Xavier, who is trying to heal Wanda, forces her to place reality back in place, leaving her lucid enough to agonize over how she killed several of the Avengers, including her ex-husband. It seems this is a recurring scenario and always ends with Xavier psionically forcing Wanda to sleep. However, this ploy is not working as well anymore. Xavier informs Magneto on the dire situation, but Magneto blames himself for it all, as he destroyed his children’s lives in the name of his dead dream. Xavier runs out of options and secretly travels to New York City, where he meets with the new Avengers to discuss the fate of Wanda. The new Avengers call in several former Avengers and Dr. Strange, as well as Cyclops’ team of X-Men, who are shocked to see the Professor after how things ended the last time they met. The heroes waste no time in discussing the situation. Emma and Wolverine find themselves in the minority, as they want to kill Wanda. Shockingly, Xavier reluctantly admits that killing her may be their only option. Wasp and Warbird demand to see Wanda and thus the heroes travel to Genosha, unaware that Quicksilver discovered their secret meeting and ran to his father, fearing that the heroes would come and kill Wanda. Quicksilver, however, is left heartbroken to hear that his father agrees that perhaps Wanda would be better off put out of her misery, though Magneto is quite ashamed to admit it. However, when the heroes reach Genosha they find Magneto and Wanda missing. Suddenly, Xavier disappears and Emma senses Wanda in a church. Dr. Strange, Iron Man and Spider-Man, however, sense nothing. Spider-Man enters the church and goes ahead of the others. As he rounds the corner into a next room, he notices something but, before he can see what it is… reality changes, possibly forever. Peter Parker (Spider-Man) then wakes up in New York City to hear his baby crying. His lovely blonde wife, Gwen Stacy, reminds him that it is his turn to check on their child, Ritchie.


Captain America is an elderly man and retired from the United States army, now living in a dirty apartment in Bronx, New York. In a world dominated with mutants, there is no room for reverence for someone like him. Mary Jane Watson is the country’s biggest movie star, despite being a human. Scott Summers and Emma Frost live together in Connecticut, though Emma has recently been troubled by a tough case involving Franklin Richards, whose parents have died in an accident. In L.A., superstar Simon Williams is a guest on Alison Blaire’s (Dazzler) talk show, where they discuss his relationship with the country’s most popular superhero, who just so happens to be human: Captain Marvel. In New York, Captain Marvel foils a robbery by Remy LeBeau, and leaves Lucas Bishop to arrest the common thief. While Katherine Pryde teaches middle school in Ohio, Detective Sam Wilson investigates the recent beating of the Kingpin. All clues lead to Luke Cage, though the Hell’s Kitchen gang leader is sparse with answers. While Robert Reynolds seeks psychological help from Dr. Stephen Strange, Piotr Rasputin lives a content life on his farm in Russia. As Janet Van Dyne helps design Princess Ororo’s dress for the House of M event, Hank McCoy and Hank Pym get into a debate of whether or not Tony Stark (Iron Man), the most successful Homo sapiens, will allow his career to be jeopardized, so Pym can continue a project that can be seen as anti-mutant. Pym must accept that he human race is going to be extinct soon. Meanwhile, Wolverine wakes up on the SHIELD Helicarrier with his agents, Raven Darkholme (Mystique), Mortimer Toynbee (Toad), and Jessica Drew. However, he seems to be the only one who realizes that everything is horribly wrong.


Wolverine has flashbacks to his past and realizes that he now remembers every last detail about his life. While he soaks in this information, as well as the fact that he went from Genosha to the SHIELD Helicarrier in bed with Mystique, he is approached by Raven, who asks him what is wrong. Through conversation, he learns that Magneto rules this world. Wolverine jumps off the Helicarrier into New York City below, where he picks up a newspaper to learn about what is going on in the world, which is much different than a few moments ago when he was in Genosha with the Avengers and X-Men to find Wanda Maximoff. He heads to Xavier’s mansion, but finds that the man does not live there, and in fact he is not even listed in any directory in New York or Westchester. He heads to Stark Towers, but finds that Tony Stark does not even live in the city. He is then found by his fellow Red Guard unit SHIELD agents, including Rogue, Nightcrawler, Toad and Mystique, who are led by Spider-Woman. Wolverine escapes the group, but is teleported away by the fortunate appearance of Cloak. Wolverine finds himself in Hell’s Kitchen with Luke Cage and various other members of the Human Resistance Movement, including the recently deceased Hawkeye.


Wolverine finds himself in the Hell’s Kitchen headquarters of the Human Resistance Movement, led by his Avengers teammate, Luke Cage. Cage, however, does not remember Logan, and Hawkeye is quick to shoot Logan in the back on the neck to remove the tracker in his neck. Cage and Hawkeye argue as Cage thinks Wolverine is dead, but Logan recovers in time for two Sentinels to attack. Cloak teleports as many of the allies as he can, but Misty Knight, Angela Del Toro, and Abe Brown do not make it. In their new hiding spot in Wilson Fisk’s empty office, Wolverine explains the situation with Wanda and Magneto, and even reveals to Hawkeye that Wanda killed him in his world. Wolverine is shocked to learn, though, that Wanda is human in this reality, in which mutants rule and Magneto is king. The heroes are all skeptical of Logan’s story except Cage, who introduces Wolverine to the young Layla Miller, who also remembers the old world and has the power to make others see it. Wolverine realizes that Layla is a mutant with an unknown power and then takes her to the residence of Scott Summers after looking him up. However, he is surprised to find that Scott is married to Emma and comes up with an idea. When Emma arrives Wolverine has Layla use her powers on Emma, who is able to remember everything, thanks to her telepathy as well. Angered by Magneto’s latest attempt at world dominance, Emma vows to kill Magneto and his children, and Logan does not object. The $25,000 question, though, is if it’s too late to turn the world back.


Layla Miller, a mutant who had the ability to restore people's memories.


Emma Frost takes Layla to the Astral Plane to learn more about the girl’s powers and how she can help Layla effectively control them. She discovers, however, that Layla’s powers are psychic in nature, yet are not, making her a conundrum. Scott Summers returns home to find Emma with the Human Resistance members, but a combination of Layla’s powers and Emma’s guidance allow Layla to permanently awaken Scott, who quickly takes charge. The rest of the heroes present are all permanently awakened by Layla except Hawkeye. They then travel around and find as many allies as possible and are able to find Shadowcat, Dr. Strange, Warbird, Tony Stark, She-Hulk, and Daredevil. However, Captain America is too old in this reality to be of use, so they do not awaken him. When they find Peter Parker, however, the sudden return of his memories in the face of the alive Gwen Stacy and Uncle Ben, as well as the realization that he know has a son, is too much for Peter, who runs away. Wolverine talks to Peter and convinces him to hold things together, though both swear that they will kill Magneto and the Scarlet Witch. The heroes gather to discuss their plans when they are attacked by SHIELD Red Guard. However, when Rogue touches Layla on the skin, she absorbs her powers and awakens herself, Toad, Mystique, Nightcrawler and Spider-Woman. In the wake of the SHIELD attack, Hawkeye disappears. Meanwhile in Genosha, Polaris finds her father and informs him that the guests for his party will arrive soon. Magnus then sadly visits the created Memorial Garden of Charles Xavier, who's ideal died long ago to free Genosha.


Emma uses her powers to sneak the heroes onto the SHIELD Helicarrier and also to take over its crew at the control room, whom she makes steer the Helicarrier to Genosha to find Xavier. The heroes rest and ponder their moves. Some argue that perhaps switching the world back isn’t their right, while others simply imply that they are happier in this world. Cage and Spider-Man both are dismayed at how the lives of Jessica Jones and Mary Jane have changed without them, but Spider-Man takes his pain harder than Cage. After arguing, Cyclops divides the group into three teams. Emma will take Cloak and Layla to find Xavier and awaken him. Dr. Strange will try to find Wanda and reason with her. The rest will keep the House of M occupied. The Helicarrier reaches Genosha where the gala has started, with guests including Storm, Namor, Genis-Marvell, Black Panther and Dr. Doom. The heroes attack with a Sentinel, and Cyclops blasts Magneto away, leaving Magnus’ fate unknown. As Wanda seemingly collapses, Rogue tries waking up Storm and Namor with the power she has from Layla, but fails. Elsewhere, Emma and her team find the memorial grave of Xavier, crushing Emma, who realizes it is over. However, Cloak inspects the dirt under the grave and finds no body or coffin. It is not over yet.


The heroes fight for all of reality in the palace of the House of M in Genosha. While her comrades fight on, Rogue absorbs the powers of Namor and Genis-Marvell, temporarily becoming a cosmically powered being. Lorna tells Pietro to get Wanda to safety, but Wanda falls to pieces. Pietro attacks the heroes, blaming them for this, but is stopped by Rogue. Strange finds the real Wanda in her tower, playing with her twins and oblivious to the fight outside. He begins to ask her questions and finds that she remembers the old world, though she is still not mentally intact. He raises the possibilities of Wanda creating Layla Miller to gather the heroes, and also of Wanda resurrecting her dead father prior to the House of M world, but Wanda either denies the allegations or doesn’t understand them. She then shows him what happened with a visual memory of hers and Strange finds that, while he and the others gathered to discuss Wanda’s fate, Quicksilver was in Genosha arguing with Magneto, who refused to stop the heroes. Quicksilver then coaxed Wanda into using her powers to take over Xavier and to make the perfect world for them, their father and all her loved ones. Before Strange can find out about Xavier’s location, Hawkeye of Avengers arrives to kill Wanda, angry at how the person he loved so much could do this. Unable to take his accusations, Wanda seemingly erases him from reality. Meanwhile, Magneto finds Emma, Cloak and Layla, and Layla wakes up Magneto. Knowing the truth, Magneto attacks Quicksilver for doing this and kills his son. Wanda sees this and destroys her tower and resurrects her brother. She then yells at Magneto for ruining their lives by choosing mutants over his children. She then tells him that she gave him mutant supremacy and he is still evil and things still ended badly. Mutants are indeed freaks. To punish her father and to end the fighting for good, Wanda chants three words: No more mutants. The world then burns away in a white light.


With reality restored, Xavier was still missing and the X-Men were unable to detect him with Cerebra.


House Divided


The more things change, the more they stay the same. In the altered reality of the HOUSE OF M, the New Mutants and Hellions are still rivals! The New Mutant Leadership Institute trains the leaders and diplomats of the future while the Hellions are SHIELD’s elite training squad. When terrorists from Japan attack the Leadership Institute the Hellions must save their rivals from certain death. But not all the Hellions and New Mutants share the animosity of their peers. David Alleyne and Noriko Ashida are secretly in love. When the Hellions are assigned to track the terrorists back to Japan, Noriko is bumped from the mission when it is revealed that her sapien father is the leader of the terrorists they are hunting down. Desperate to save her father from certain death, Surge asks for help from David and his friends at the Leadership Institute. David agrees to help his girlfriend, but his friends refuse to tag along. David’s classmate and friend, Laurie Garrison reports all this to her father, Dr. Sean Garrison. He urges Laurie to go along with David. Laurie’s classmate, Quentin Quire telepathically learns of her and her father’s plans. In order to protect their secret agenda as SHIELD agents, Laurie uses her pheromones to force Quentin into a suicidal depression and the powerful telepath mentally kills himself!


As the SHIELD squad called the Hellions track down the human terrorists in Japan looking for some answers regarding their attack on the New Mutant Leadership Institute, Noriko Ashida AKA Surge learns some hard truths about the lengths that SHIELD will go to maintain Magneto’s grip on the world. She witnesses the torture of Cameron Hodge by SHIELD agents, Wither and Josh Foley. She steps in and stops them but Hodge insists that she escape and try to help her father with the knowledge he passes along to her. He begs her to kill him rather than leave him as SHIELD’s captive. Surge reluctantly agrees to Hodge’s demands, unaware that her every move is being trailed by SHIELD. She goes to the New Mutant Leadership Institute and recruits help from Prodigy, Wallflower and Mercury. Sophie, Jubilee and Dust insist on tagging along as well. The small band of mutants head to Japan and surrender themselves to the human terrorists. Meanwhile, SHIELD investigates Project Genesis and find themselves at odds with Emperor Sunfire who insists the project is of little importance. He also reveals that he considers Surge his own child since it was he who removed her from her sapiens parents and insured her bright future.


After a brief tussle, the New Mutants convince the Japanese terrorists that they are genuine in their desire to help shut down Project: Genesis. Unbeknownst to them, Laurie Garrison is a deep cover SHIELD agent. She calls in the terrorists’ location and the Hellions arrive to arrest them. Surge commandeers the Hellions’ teleporter and forces Magik to take them inside Project: Genesis. They all see the true purpose of Genesis: to force mutation upon normal humans. This process often has fatal results. Meanwhile, Karma uncovers the truth about Sean Garrison. Not only is he a SHIELD spy as well, he came up with the idea for Project: Genesis. She and her ally, Doug Ramsey are discovered by Garrison who turns his pheromones against them. In Japan, the Hellions side with the New Mutants in opposing Project: Genesis and Laurie Garrison’s duplicity is revealed. She then uses her pheromones to force the Hellions, New Mutants and the human terrorists into a killing frenzy.


While Dr. Garrison deals with the threat of exposure posed by Xi’an Coy Manh (Karma) and Doug Ramsey (Cypher), his daughter Laurie uses her pheromones to disrupt the New Mutants’ and Hellions’ joint efforts to dismantle Project: Genesis in Japan. The evil schemes of both father and daughter are halted by the respective mutants they sought to destroy. Both of the emotion-manipulating Garrisons are killed in the resulting struggles. The Hellions and New Mutants manage to dismantle Project: Genesis and free its helpless victims. They then engage in a hopeless battle against Emperor Sunfire and his forces to enable their teammate Magik to expose the entire operation to the world and rescue the humans the program sought to exploit.



The Xavier Institute reacts to the aftershocks of the House of M reality shift. Wanda Maximoff’s decree of “No more mutants” leaves a huge percentage of the Xavier student body powerless. Some are panicked and distraught, others jubilant and thankful to be normal once more. Assuming that he is now powerless, Wither touches his long-time crush Wallflower and finds to his horror that his powers are intact. Emma tries to restore order and protect those students who are recklessly testing whether or not they still have their powers. Not all students survive the aftermath while others must live with the effects on their powers, their lives and their friends. Once the initial shock has subsided, Emma takes charge to protect those who remain. She dismisses the now-powerless Dani Moonstar and clashes with Cyclops over her decision to do so. Elixir tries in vain to restore Wallflower’s withered arm. Meanwhile, Logan calls X-23 and tells her she has to come home, hinting that there is much more to their relationship than previously revealed. Two weeks after M-Day, Icarus returns to the Institute covered in blood. He collapses in front of a shocked Emma Frost who can clearly see that his wings have been amputated!

Wild Kingdom


Strange happenings are going on in the turmoil-ridden nation of Niganda in Africa, including the appearance of apparent mutant animals, one of which kills a Pulitzer Prize winning reporter on camera. The X-Men, including Storm, journey to Africa to investigate. Storm recalls her childhood in Africa and when she was worshipped as a goddess, and wonders why she is not happy to be returning. The X-Men are then attacked by giant mutant crocodiles, and Havok and Polaris team up to stop them, they both seem to be happy working together, while Polaris’ boyfriend Iceman is not. Havok gives the team orders, but Storm flies off on her own, telling Havok that she would appreciate him not telling her what to do. Wolverine follows Storm and the come across a wicked general who is killing innocent people. They manage to save a woman and her child, and Logan sends the general to his death. Rogue and Gambit continue to argue since their break-up, while Storm wonders why she is chasing after mutant crocodiles when there is so much suffering on this continent. After obtaining some information from the woman she saved, Storm and the others arrive at a place called “the Factory”, where people who started working here went missing from. Searching the factory, which Iceman believes is a monster factory, the X-Men soon come across the Black Panther!

Blacl Panther and Storm

The Black Panther is rescued by his female bodyguards, which upsets Storm as she thinks there is something going on between them. While they search for a creature that has been kidnapping the locals, Storm and the Black Panther argue, before discovering the beast and destroying it. The White Queen contacts Storm telepathically, informing her that the other X-Men are in trouble, so Storm goes to help them, despite T’Challa not wanting her to. The Red Ghost explains his plans to turn Niganda into a socialist Simian society. However, that conflicts with Dr. Paine’s money-making plans. Paine displays the captured X-Men - Wolverine, Havok, Polaris, Iceman, Rogue and Gambit - to Kragoff, and explains his plans to turn them into practically zombies. Kragoff leaves and the X-Men are soon let out of their stasis chambers, where Paine blackmails them into helping him stop Kragoff, by keeping Lorna a prisoner and having her drip-fed snake venom. The X-Men are torn about what to do, when Storm arrives. Meanwhile, the intelligent apes plot against the humans that transformed on them, and the Black Panther finally arrives at the complex.

X 23

Childhood’s End


In continuation of the events in the kids of the Xavier Institute.


Tensions mount as the kids at the Xavier Institute face the vast changes in the school and the world around them due to the fallout from M-Day. While watching a broadcast about the effects of M-Day worldwide, the kids view an interview with Rev. Stryker who predicted this “miracle” and calls on others to join him in following the righteous path God has laid out for them. This leads to debate over the true meaning of the massive loss of powers among mutants among the kids with Icarus being especially torn on how to interpret things. Hellion makes some divisive comments about the now powerless Prodigy, which causes tension between him and Nori who leaps to David’s defense. Sofia overhears these remarks and they threaten to end her blossoming romance with Julian. To add to the mix, Wolverine arrives to abruptly introduce his “sister/clone” X-23 to the students. To ease some of the mounting tension, David takes the crew to see the Danger Cave, a training system he’s built for them under the Institute using stolen ideas from Kitty Pryde and the Beast. The Hellions and New Mutants check out several holographic training scenarios as X-23 watches and longs to be a part of the group. Skipping forward to the near future, Jay is in the infirmary and offers up a few vague clues to what led to the loss of his wings.

House Arrest


Polaris realizes she has lost her powers when a group of X-Men outside begin to attack the Sentinels that have surrounded the Institute. The Sentinels declare that they are not here to fight, but nevertheless several of the X-Men don’t believe them, and continue the attack, eventually getting knocked out. Havok tells the powerless Iceman that he should be involved, while Lorna decides not to tell her teammates she has lost her powers, yet they wonder why she doesn’t use them against the Sentinels. The White Queen uncovers a startling revelation about the Sentinels, that she thinks they are human, and one of the Sentinels falls on the mansion, destroying much of it. One of the Sentinels picks Polaris up and tosses her in the woods, where she is surprised to see her old friend Dr. Valerie Cooper! Meanwhile, the Sapien League are still hiding out in the forest nearby, and two of the members discuss the mysterious Leper Queen.


Valerie Cooper agrees to keep Polaris’ secret that she apparently not longer has her mutant powers, while Iceman also seemingly powerless, searches the woods for her. Valerie informs Cyclops, Havok and the other X-Men that the Sentinels are here for the X-Men’s protection, and introduces them to Alexander Lexington, the leader of the Sentinel Squad, the men and women who control this new generation of Sentinels. The X-Men are seriously unimpressed about this, but some of the Sentinel Squad aren’t too keen on the idea of protecting the X-Men either. Meanwhile, also in the woods is the Leper Queen and the other members of the Sapien League, who launch another attack on the X-Men, forcing them to accept Valerie’s offer to help them. Bobby finds himself in more trouble when the Sapien League find him, and the Leper Queen prepares to kill him, however the White Queen picks up Bobby’s distress and alerts the X-Men to his plight, while she does something to him…and to the Leper Queen’s distress, the mysterious villainess finds her arm covered in ice. As the X-Men arrive on scene, they see a confused Bobby once more in his ice form.


Meanwhile, in Egypt, an Archaeologist stumbles into a hidden chamber at a dig site, and is greeted by a mysterious shadow on the wall, while at a space station, Gazer realizes he too has lost his powers, and converses with the mysterious "Phantom Torso", before the mysterious green thing he has been trying to make contact with comes into view on his screen.

Marvil Girl II (Phoenix II)

Strangest Dreams


Rachel Grey takes a break from the scrutiny of the Sentinels stationed around the mansion to go and visit her grandparents. After a short time of relaxation, the Greys throw a party for Rachel to allow her to meet her many relatives. During the party, while dancing with his granddaughter, John Grey is attacked and killed before Rachel’s eyes. At the mansion, the staff and students are still attempting to stabilize themselves after the recent decimation that wiped out 90% of mutantkind. Cannonball manages to get in the way of the Sentinels while flirting with Psylocke, and Nightcrawler receives a surprise phone call from his “daughter” TJ (Nocturne). Across the estate, the team attempts to regroup and recoup, while Scott and Emma host Val Cooper and her entourage. Val attempts to explain that the Sentinels and the Office of National Emergency are here to help protect the X-Men during this time of global uncertainty. Emma and Scott are understandably less than trusting and the tension in the room is high, but the meeting ends without incident. It appears that the Sentinels are something the X-Men are going to have to get used to…

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