The New Mutants

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New Mutants


At a time when Xavier believed that the X-Men might have been killed based from the previous battles-especially with the Brood. Xavier had sank into a deep depression over this loss, Dr. Moira MacTaggert helped restore his hope's for the future and persuaded him to assemble a group of new student's Mirage or Psyche, Karma, Sunspot and Wolfsbane he called them The New Mutants.  He decided to form a new team of adolescent superhuman mutants, whom he would train at the school in the use of their powers; but whom he would not send into combat. The members of this team, the New Mutants, have nonetheless often found themselves in battle through circumstances, and have frequently aided the X-Men in combat.

Later faced a battle with Donald Pierce of Hellfire Club and aided by Samuel Guthrie a.k.a. Cannonball. They convinced Cannonball to be part of the team and fought together to end the evil doings of Donald Pierce. Later, Dr. Moira MacTaggert helped a young mutant with multiple personality named Legion who later revealed as son of Charles Xavier with Gabrielle Haller. Legion became one of the New Mutants.


Mirage (Danielle Moonstar) formerly uses the name Psyche. Mirage can generate psi-plasma to empathically scan minds, project holograms plucked from the brains of others, and create energy weapons that over stimulate and disable neurochemistry, psychic link to all higher animals

Karma (Xi'an Coy Manh) psionically impose her own brain waves over someone else's, scanning their thoughts, controlling them or altering their perceptions, project psychic waves that protect her from other forms of mental energy

Sunspot (Roberto DaCosta) absorbs solar radiation and rechannel it through his body, generating intense heat, dark solar plasma blasts, and thermal updrafts for flight.

Wolfsbane (Rahne Sinclair), a Scottish lycanthrope able to transform into a wolf or various transitional phases between human and animal

Cannonball (Samuel Zachary Guthrie) generate thermochemical energy as a blast field, which can act as propulsion, bio-kinetic blasts, a protective force shield, and a containment field around his opponent, or absorb kinetic energy to create shockwaves or supercharge the force behind his punches

Sunspot, Warlock, Feral, Cannonball, Magma, Magik

Later they were joined by other students in the institute:


Cypher (Douglas Aaron Ramsey) active psionic translation field intuitively translates any languages he comes into contact with, including written, spoken, or computer. Doug is also an old student and friend of Kitty Pryde.

Magik (Illyana Nikolievna Rasputin) create stepping disks that can teleport through time and space, Scryring Pool lets her view far away places, Soulsword can disrupt mystical spells and channel her own magical skills

Magma (Amara Juliana Olivia Aquilla) surrounds her body with a field of intense light and heat, psionically cause earthquakes, call up lava from the earth's core


Feral (Maria Callasantos), heightened strength, speed, agility, stamina, and reflexes, hyper-keen senses, prehensile tail, razor sharp claws

Legion (David Charles Haller) multiple personalities grant various metahuman abilities, including telepathy, telekinesis, pyro-kinesis, teleportation, shape-shifting, and travel through time


Brotherhood of Evil Mutants II


The Blob just escaped in the Super villain penitentiary in New Mexico. Elsewhere, the Brotherhood was then resurrected by the mutant Mystique and regained the service of some of the Brotherhood's former members. The new team of the Brotherhood includes the Blob, Pyro, Destiny, and Avalanche.


Pyro (St. John Allerdyce), an Australian who is invulnerable to any fire that he has placed under his mental control and has the psionic ability to cause any fire to grow in size and intensity and to take any form he wishes, even that of a living creature.


Destiny (Irene Adler), a Lesbian-Austrian blind mutant with the psionic power of precognition. She has the ability to perceive in her mind's eye the events of possible futures. She is the long time lesbian lover of Mystique.


Avalanche (Dominic Petros), a mutant with the superhuman ability to generate powerful waves of vibrations from his hands. He can create highly destructive effects.


Mystique (Raven Darkholme), a Metamorphic shape-shifter able to adapt any humanoid form or genetic trait (except superhuman abilities), heal surface tissue damage, withstand all pathogens and poisons, and suppress her natural aging


Mystique has a training session in the Arcade -Murderworld. She manages to kill all of the robot X-Men, even Rogue, but hesitates when it comes to Nightcrawler. She is plotting to destroy the X-Men for "kidnapping" her daughter Rogue and turning her into an X-Man.

Destiny, Avalanche, Mystique, Pyro, Blob

The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants led by Mystique, attacks Colossus. Pyro heats him near to the melting point of steel, and then Avalanche shatters a few trucks full of zero cold liquid nitrogen on him. Through mental contact, Kitty Pryde warns Xavier of what happened to Colossus and asks for the other X-Men's help. Storm suggests Rogue stays in the mansion, since she used to belong to Mystique's Brotherhood. While the X-Men and the Brotherhood fight, Kitty rushes to the Fantastic Four's HQ in search for a device that could help Colossus.


In another part of town, Masque is creating a double of Kitty from a girl's dead body.


At Xavier's school, Mystique is prevented from killing Xavier by Rogue who explains to her foster mother that she joined the X-Men of her own free will, and that Xavier is her last option to find a way to control her powers. Mystique then agrees that she stays at the school, and exchanges the freedom of her team for Xavier‘s life.


Meanwhile Kitty enters the Fantastic Four’s lab and steals the device. She attempts to leave the building by walking on air, but her concentration slips, when she hears something behind her. The police find her body, lying in a pool of blood in front of the Baxter Building.


Unseen Assailant


Elsewhere, Emma Frost beat Xavier in a race to contact the newly discovered mutant, Angelica Jones. She enlisted her in the Massachusetts Academy and, once she had realized Angelica’s high power potential, the White Queen decided to keep her separate from the other young mutants she was secretly training at the Academy.


Firestar (Angelica Jones) an American who can tap into Earth's electromagnetic field and convert it into microwave radiation emissions, which she can use to radiate blinding light, burning pyro-beam discharges, activate and maintain stargates, scramble E.M. frequencies, and propel herself through the air.


Soon after, Emma was attacked by an unseen assailant, who later turned out to be Mastermind. Blaming others for his own failures, he was on a personal revenge mission against Emma, Mystique and the X-Men. He probably blamed Emma’s mindtap device for him losing control over Phoenix and, with his mental illusions, he caused Emma to fall into a coma for months.


In the meantime, Sebastian Shaw is informed by his aide, Tessa (Sage), that Emma Frost fell into a coma without any discernible reason. The Hellfire Club wasn’t aware that Sage was working with Charles Xavier and she is an unknown X-Man.


When Professor Xavier learned of Emma’s state, he offered to help but was refused. The Hellfire Club didn’t want to be in their enemy’s debt.

Days of Future Past


An introduction to a crossover, it is thirty-three years in the future where North America is controlled by the robots called the Sentinels. It was said that mutants are either dead or interned and a world war looms around the corner. The few surviving X-Men plan to change history by having the telepathic Rachel Summers exchange the psyche of grown-up Kitty Pryde with that of her younger self.


In the present, Kitty Pryde succeeds at her first Danger Room test, only to faint a moment later.


When she awakes again, she tells the X-Men she is the adult Kate. She explains that she’s from a despotic future and that the only way to save the world is to prevent the murder of Senator Robert Kelly at the mutant hearing in Washington today. The X-Men are unsure whether to believe Kate but Xavier is at the hearing as well and only he can check the veracity of Kate’s words.


In the meantime, the new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, under the leadership of Mystique, prepares to strike at Senator Kelly. The X-Men join Xavier in Washington and, a moment later, the Brotherhood appears, intending to kill Kelly. The X-Men move to oppose them.


In the future, the X-Men have escaped the internment camp, suffered two fatalities and plan to a strike at the Baxter Building – the Sentinels’ headquarters.


In the present, the X-Men face the reformed Brotherhood of Evil Mutants to save the life of Senator Robert Kelly. The villains attack and seem to have the upper hand, in the beginning, as the X-Men are now being led by the still untried Storm. Xavier and Moira are hurried away by a policewoman, who is actually Mystique in disguise and who takes them hostage. Kate, the future Kitty in the body of her younger self, decides to stick close to Senator Kelly, just in case. Wolverine almost gets fried by Pyro’s creature but is saved by Storm. Suddenly, he finds himself faced by two Nightcrawler. He decides to use his claws to find out which one’s the real deal but Storm forbids him from using his claws in non-lethal situations. Slowly, the heroes manage to beat their foes and the second Nightcrawler is revealed as Mystique, astonishing the true Nightcrawler with their physical similarity and the fact that she knows his true name. Mystique escapes and the X-Men realize that both Sprite and Destiny are unaccounted for. Destiny intends to kill Senator Kelly with a crossbow but Sprite manages to throw off her aim at the last moment before she gets exchanged with Kitty again. Storm asks Kelly to reevaluate his stance on mutants before she takes Sprite away.


Later, the X-Men wonder if they’ve managed to change that future Kate came from. With the exception of Kate and Rachel, in the future X-Men have been killed by Sentinels.


One month after the battle, the president, based on Kelly’s recommendation, begins Project Wide-awake, led by Henry Gyrich, a program that includes the possible use of Sentinels to deal with the mutant menace.


Phoenix II (Rachel Summers), who time-traveled to saved the present time and the adult daughter of Cyclops and Phoenix from the future timeline. She inherited her mother's telepathy and telekinesis. She possesses also the power of the Phoenix.  Later she would use the name as Marvel Girl II.


Cyclops took his first leave from the X-Men after Jean's death, where as Angel stayed on for a time not wanting to leave the team without a founding member on it, he stay on till he felt that the team could handle them selves. The team’s new leader is Storm. One Christmas evening, the remaining X-Men were so busy and Kitty stayed alone in the mansion. Scott Summers calls from Florida, where he hires on a ship.


Later the mansion is attacked by a N’garai demon. Kitty tries to escape and phases through floor and walls but the demon keeps up. She lures it into the Danger Room, but it trashes every single weapon that the room throws at it. Finally Kitty escapes into the Hangar and manages to fry the demon with the Blackbird’s afterburners. Later the X-Men return with Kitty’s parents as a surprise, they are proud how well she handled the situation.


Murderworld Project


Swinging through New York City, the Avengers' Spider-Man drops in on Scott Summers and Colleen Wing to catch up on things, before leaving for a date with Cissy Ironwood. After he leaves, he hears a familiar sound and knows someone is in trouble, and he has an idea who. Nightcrawler and Colossus are on a double date at the Lincoln Center when they are captured in a steel box, gassed and air lifted away. Banshee is shot with a tranquilizer dart at the mansion, along with Storm, who succumbs to the villainous Arcade’s deviousness.


Spider-Man calls the mansion to warn the X-Men, but finds he is too late. Arcade warns him that, once he’s finished with them, he’s coming after Spider-Man himself.


Shadowcat and Colossus are kidnapped by Arcade, who tells them that Dr. Von Doom intends to kill him. He blackmails them into defending him, and along replicas of the other X-Men they fight Doom’s forces all over Murderworld.


Wolverine is also captured and the six X-Men find themselves at the mercy of Murderworld. They are quickly separated and channeled into individually created rooms, where they face Arcade’s deadly toys and equally deadly choices. Colossus faces no nefarious devices, but instead is spoken to by KGB Colonel Alexei Vazhin, who proceeds to brainwash him. The X-Men struggle against their respective opponents and devices, but Cyclops doesn’t trust Arcade and, instead of playing ball, he blasts out the wall in his room, emerging in the same area as Wolverine. They decide to leave, but Wolverine is ambushed by Colossus, who now believes he is the Proletariat. His first mission is to smash the X-Men.


Arcade relishes his latest Murderworld Project - the extermination of the X-Men.


A brainwashed Colossus, believing himself as to be a traitor to the Rodina, faces Cyclops and Wolverine, and without wishing to hurt their colleague, their options are limited. After Arcade provides a history about himself to Colleen Wing, he looks in on the action, but finds both Cyclops and Wolverine disappearing behind revolving doors. He checks in on Ororo, who finds herself at the mercy of ever increasing waters. Cyclops emerges in Nightcrawler’s section and destroys several drones before escaping. Wolverine comes across Banshee and uses his advanced senses to clear an escape route; directly into the path of Magneto and the Hulk.


Storm, meanwhile, manages to overload the pipes feeding the water into her chamber, as Cyclops finds Banshee and Wolverine. He destroys Magneto, who turns out to be a robot, whilst Wolverine takes down the robot Hulk. They are then washed up in a flood, courtesy of Storm. With four of them freed, Nightcrawler is the only one now captive; gassed by Mr. Chambers after attacking Arcade directly. Colossus manages to track the X-Men down, but his brainwashing is overcome by kind words from Storm and Cyclops. Arcade realizes his plans have come to nothing and decides to free the X-Men, as well as Nightcrawler and the three female captives he took earlier. The teams find themselves in Bronx amusement park, and have to be content that, this time at least, they emerged relatively unscathed.


Previously, Miss Locke interrupted Ororo and Stevie Hunter’s trip to the ballet. Miss Locke explains that she needs the X-Men to rescue Arcade from Dr. Doom. She has captured the Greys, Moira MacTaggert, Candy Southern, Amanda Sefton and Illyana Rasputin (Magik) to ensure their cooperation, and takes Stevie to complete the set.


Storm informs Professor X, who summons Ex-X-Men Havok, Polaris, Iceman and Banshee to the mansion, as they need help to rescue their loved ones. While the four newcomers prepare to rescue the hostages from Murderworld, the rest go to Doom's castle. Storm's attempt to distract Doom while the others rescue Arcade fails, and Storm finds she transformed to chrome, while the other X-Men are easily defeated.


Meanwhile elsewhere, Scott and Lee Forrester find themselves stranded on a deserted island after a freak storm; Scott is without his ruby quartz glasses.


Doom, places each of the X-Men in a prison cell intended to test their abilities – if they fail, they die. Storm, confined in her own body after having been turned into living chrome, is subconsciously calling forth a great tempest, striving to be free or dead. Havok, Iceman, Polaris and Banshee find their way to Murderworld, and escape Miss Locke’s various traps to defeat her and free the hostages. Back at Von Doom’s place, Nightcrawler has taken a risk and teleported out of his featureless cell.


Been stranded, while Ororo manage to create a massive storm, then Scott loses his blindfold, causing his optic blasts to be revealed to Lee.


While the great storm created by Ororo’s imprisoned subconscious rages, the X-Men, imprisoned in Dr. Doom’s castle, pass his various tests and escape from their cells, heading for a rematch. After a brief struggle, Doom agrees to release Storm, thinking to use her distraction to cover his escape. Storm, however, has gathered enough raw power to defeat Doom easily, and in the process has lost touch with her humanity, casing her to attack the X-Men as well. Colossus uses the memory of Dark Phoenix to bring her to her senses, and she manages, with great effort to dismiss the tempest she created. Doom agrees to turn over Arcade after he has apologized.


In the end, Kitty outsmarts them, as she programmed a Kitty robot to take her place, while she disrupts Doom’s amour. However Doom is really Miss Locke, turns out it’s Arcade’s birthday, and that’s their way to celebrate, Kitty and Piotr return to the mansion and make up with each other, deciding to be friends again.


Meanwhile, Scott and Lee awake on their Caribbean island to discover a city has appeared overnight.


Scott meets Lee Forrester. She is the daughter of Jock Forrester, the captain of the trawler and the employer of Scott in Florida. The mutual understanding between the two starts when Jock kills himself and kidnapped by D’Spayre. He forces Cyclops to relive bad times in his past turned into nightmare scenarios, until Scott can’t take it anymore and jumps out of the window. Outside, he is joined by the reborn Man-Thing and, together, they face D’Spayre once more. Scott now realizes that it is despair that gives the demon strength and, refusing to give in, he finds the strength to hold him, just as the Man-Thing finds the strength to beat him – for the time being. Cyclops takes the unconscious Lee and leaves the burning house.


Eventually, he told her of his mutant power and soon they found a strange alien city, which happened to be Magneto's new base. Once again, Magneto attempted to take on the world but the X-Men arrived on the island. With Cyclops’ help, they defeated Magneto and they returned to America.


The Untold Beginning


Xavier is dreaming and flashing back his memories during his time in Haifa, Israel. It’s all about being volunteers in the camp during the World War II, about her former lover Gabrielle Haller and his old friend Erik Magnus Lehnsherr. Charles was surrounded by his friends and loved ones; the comatose Xavier is still fighting for his life after the fight. His subconscious turns back twenty years to when he visited his friend Daniel Shomron in Haifa, Israel. Shomron had built a clinic for Holocaust victims and had introduced Xavier both to one of his volunteer helpers, a former concentration camp victim who called himself Magnus, and the catatonic Gabrielle Haller, who had been in this state ever since the war. Xavier uses his telepathic powers to smash Gaby's inner walls and force her to come out. While he does this, he sees strange images of the Nazis transforming Gaby into a golden statue.


During the following weeks, Magnus and Charles, who help Gaby with her recovery, become friends and even discuss the possibility of the evolution of mutants. Gaby and Charles, however, fall in love, despite Xavier's better judgment. Just as they are about to kiss, Gaby is abducted and armed terrorists attack the hospital, called HYDRA.


To save lives, Magnus reveals his magnetic mutant powers, as he kills those terrorists. Magnus and Charles learn what they need to know from one prisoner and follow the HYDRA-agents to Africa. HYDRA, under the leadership of Baron Von Strucker, is there to find a gold treasure the Nazis hid during the last days of World War II. The coordinates were given to Gaby only for safekeeping. Magnus and Charles try to free Gaby, but her screams give them away. Strucker attacks them with a gauntlet that gives him super strength, but Magnus easily crushes it (and his hand), before levitating his friends and the gold out and collapsing the cave. Outside, he tells Xavier that he'll use the gold to ensure that mutants are going to win the coming conflict and leaves as Gaby awakes from her catatonia.


In the present, Xavier too finally finds the strength to awake.


Arrival of Deathbird


Soon, Corsair and his Starjammers came to Earth again, needing the help of the X-Men in a conflict between the Shi’Ar, Lilandra’s exiled elder sister Deathbird and an alien race called the Brood. When Scott recognized a certain medallion that Corsair was wearing, containing pictures of the Summers family, Scott demanded the truth from the space pirate. At first, he was very angry at Corsair and Phoenix for keeping the truth from him but once Christopher Summers could explain that he and Kate had thought the boys had died and that after his wife’s death he didn’t want to come back to Earth, Scott understood and forgave his father. He then took Corsair for a visit to Alex.


Later, the X-Men (without the recuperating Xavier) are invited to a farewell party on Lilandra's yacht. However, they are stunned unconscious by a bomb and Deathbird of Shi’Ar Empire hands them over to the alien Brood.


Introduction of the Broods


The X-Men don’t remember falling into a trap by Deathbird and the Brood. Mesmerized, they believe that they are guests at a Shi’Ar celebration held in their honor. Only Wolverine, whose senses perceive two contradictory sets of reality, feels that something is terribly wrong. However, even he cannot fight back, when an alien woman – whom he correctly perceives as the Brood Queen, infects the X-Men with something. Later, Wolverine, in terrible pain, realizes they are not on the Shi’Ar home world, but somewhere else. When Storm doesn’t believe him, he flees alone.


In another part of the palace, he witnesses how the traitorous Guardsman, Fang, transforms into a Brood. Wolverine realizes that this is the fate in store for the X-Men and flees outside into the dangerous jungle, followed by Brood warriors. Wracked by pain attacks, hallucinations and fighting off scavengers and the Brood. Logan doesn’t give up, until his transformation into a Brood begins. Logan struggles and impossibly wins, as his healing factor eventually kills the Brood embryo. He realizes though, that there is no such hope for his friends and that in order to save them, he may very well have to kill them…


Also by that time being, Carol Danvers (Ms. Marvel of the Avengers) is being subjected to painful evolutionary modifications by Brood scientists. This happens after battling with Rogue before becoming an X-Man, wherein Carol lost her powers permanently. Carol retained her half-Kree genetic code, and Xavier helped her regain her memories, but within the emotional attachment to them. But then she was subjected to evolutionary experiments by the Brood later.


Wolverine sneaks into the lab, kills the Brood and saves her; although neither of them knows what permanent damage they may have done to Carol.


In the meantime, Cyclops is caught in a nightmare, where all of his friends have turned into Brood and the same fate awaits him. He forces himself awake and realizes that something is very wrong. Cyclops finds Storm who is in a trance and apparently going through some similar nightmare. Wolverine and Carol join the two of them and together they plan to spring the others and then steal Lilandra’s yacht to flee. Kitty and Nightcrawler, with the help of Storm, enter the yacht, where Kitty inadvertently kills a Brood guard.


The others, in the meantime, free Lilandra and get into a fight with a horde of Brood warriors. Wolverine tries to murder the Brood Queen over Cyclops' objections but, before he can strike, they are transported away to Lilandra's yacht. Unknown to the X-Men, as they flee, another vessel has them in their sight and prepares to attack. Back on Earth, the X-Men's friends have more or less pieced together what happened to their friends. After a good-bye, the Starjammers intend to go looking for Broodworld.


Left behind on Earth, Moira worries that the loss of both his X-Men and Lilandra may destroy Xavier.


The Brood-hunter ships try their best to capture the X-Men's yacht without killing them. The X-Men and friends fight back, using their powers and weapons. Storm, though, notes that, for some reason, her powers are out of control and after accidentally destroying one Brood ship, she refuses to chance killing any more. In the fight, the Brood manage to damage the yacht's warp-drive and, against the protests of the others, Kitty steps outside to repair the drive, getting hit by a piece of shrapnel in the process.


In the meantime, Carol Danvers' body reacts to the modification the Brood put her through. She turns into an energy form that is powered by a "white hole" and uses her new powers to destroy the Brood ships. They transform her as Binary.


Kitty's repairs completed, the yacht enters warp-space. Later, Binary uses her powers to re-energize the depleted matter-antimatter drive. While the X-Men affect their repairs, Nightcrawler is puzzled that Kitty's managed to completely recover from her lethal injuries.


Storm, in the meantime, is ailing and doesn't know why, until she realizes there is a living being inside her. Realizing the truth, she steals a scout ship and leaves. Cyclops demands answers from Wolverine, who finally relents and tells the others that they are hosts to Brood embryos and what that means. Binary goes ballistic and flies outside, not realizing that the hole she’s burned into the hull endangers the others.


Back on Earth, Xavier notices some strangeness about Illyana Rasputin after battling with Doctor Doom but finds he no longer has the strength to care.


Payback Time


In the wake Binary's exit, the explosive decompression in the hangar threatens to suck the X-Men into space, until they manage to seal the hole. In the meantime, Storm, alone in her shuttle, is suffering from an ethical crisis. Should she kill the Brood embryo within her, although that goes against her beliefs, or allow it to kill her when she transforms? The decision is taken out of her hands as the transformation starts but, before it is finished, the shuttle enters the galactic core and the sudden influx of energy allows Ororo to re-establish herself. She decides on a third option and channels so much energy through herself that she destroys the embryo and the shuttle as well. She floats dying in space until she is swallowed by something big.


Binary (Carol Susan Jane Danvers) a American with superhuman strength, speed, endurance, reflexes, and durability, absorb electromagnetic fields, direct cosmic energy as concussive force, flight. Carol Danvers became Ms. Marvel after the Kree Psycho-Magnetron filled her body with Kree DNA from Mar-Vell. She gained physical power, flight, and a 7th sense that provided her with premonitions. She also appropriated a degree of Kree military knowledge, and the ability to switch from her civilian clothes to her costume and also associated of Department H (Department of Homeland Security).  After battling Rogue, Carol lost her powers permanently. Carol retained her half-Kree genetic code, and Xavier helped her regain her memories, but within the emotional attachment to them. She was subjected to evolutionary experiments by the Brood and turned her into Binary; she could now assume an energy-state with phenomenal strength and durability, the power to survive in outer space, and a sub-spatial link to a "white hole". Binary could tap this "white hole" to focus energies such as light, heat, gravity, radio waves, and concussive release. After saving Earth's sun from anti-matter, Carol's powers began to dwindle, and she has dropped from cosmically powerful to simply very powerful as of Avengers, where she assumed the name Warbird.


On the Z'ree Shar, Lilandra and Wolverine decide to return to Broodworld for revenge. Reluctantly, Cyclops agrees.


Later, Wolverine catches Nightcrawler praying and, after a conversation about faith or lack thereof, the two friends decide to search the ship for some alcohol. Kitty, in the meantime, is suffering from a nightmare where she becomes one with the Brood. Awakening, she is comforted by Colossus and the two reveal their true feelings to each other. Suddenly, an astral form of Storm that looks like a vampire joins them. All the X-Men are visited astral forms of different versions of Storm until, finally, Storm, as she is supposed to look, appears before them at the same time as the ship is swallowed by something big. Ororo explains that the creature is an Acanti - a space whale - and that she and it are now one.


Meanwhile, back on Earth, Moira informs Charles about a letter from Mr. Fantastic-Reed Richards, regarding a young mutant named Karma whose powers are threatening to go out of control. Xavier refuses to get involved until Moira threatens that she may take Karma to the Hellfire Club or Magneto. Better to be taught by a villain, than to be doomed from the start. She then reminds Xavier of her son Proteus and his fate. Finally, Xavier gives in and calls Reed Richards of the Fantastic Floor.


Near Broodworld, Binary kills a Brood outpost used to capture & enslave Acanti. As it is too late to save their prey – an ancient Acanti –Carol is forced to kill it. She is joined by Storm, who can apparently easily exist in space without any life support. Storm leads Carol to a newborn Acanti and explains that this is only an astral form – she has become one with the Acanti. Inside the space whale, Lilandra’s yacht is hidden. Carol and Storm join the X-Men inside, who are out for the Brood’s blood. Storm offers an alternative: to save the Acanti –who are preyed upon by the Brood – instead. The Acanti have a race’s soul that is caught in the carcass of their dead prophet-singer on Brood world. If they can destroy the carcass and free the soul, it could join with this newborn prophet-singer and lead the Acanti to freedom. The X-Men agree to help and come up with a plan. Storm/the Acanti and Binary will distract the Brood while the others beam down and make a run for the soul. The X-Men do exactly that; unaware his or her embryo, which telepathically informs the Brood Queen about their plans, is already controlling that one of them. Carol and Storm run interference. Despite their vast powers, they are almost captured until unexpected help arrives in the form of the Starjammers.


On the planet, after the X-Men fight their way down against the world’s predators. Wolverine notices more and more that Cyclops is acting out of character, until he finally takes away his visor and reveals him as being part Brood already. Cyclops sucker punches him and Colossus and the others are surprised and beaten by the newly arrived Queen and her guards. Kitty, however, had been separated from the others some time earlier and is saved from a cadre of Brood by a cute little purple dragon-Lockheed. As one of the Brood destroys a tunnel wall, light emanates from the cavern behind it, calling Kitty and hurting the Brood.


In the meantime, Cyclops’ metamorphosis truly starts and his powers go out of control. Wolverine throws himself into the beam and so gets rid of his shackles and takes Cyclops and the Queen as hostages, forcing the Brood to free the others. He follows Kitty’s scent to the glowing crystal cavern, where they find the Acanti soul. Unfortunately, the presence of the Queen and of the embryos in them starts to corrupt the cavern as the X-Men’s transformations start. As Wolverine plans to kill them, the Queen mocks that, even if he should succeed, there is another embryo that will doom his world. Carol who uses her energy powers to free the prophet-singer soul, which joins with the baby prophet singer, stops him. Before it leaves, though, it purges the X-Men of their embryos and turns the Queen into crystal. Broodworld gets torn apart as a result but the Starjammers beam the X-Men away first. On the Starjammers they are joined by Storm, who was also restored by the soul. Everybody’s in a partying mood until Wolverine announces he’s figured out what the Queen meant with her last words: there is another Brood embryo and it can only be within Charles Xavier.

Rouge’s Refuge


In Washington, Mystique has a nightmare where she is chased and eventually killed by Jean Grey and Jason Wyngarde. Awake, she and Destiny are both sure that someone is toying with them. To make matters worse, the same someone seems to be responsible for their foster daughter, Marie but better known as Rogue, leaving them without a word of explanation.


Back at the mansion, Xavier and Lilandra are left to wonder whether Xavier’s continued difficulty to walk might have organic causes, rather than psychic ones. To the X-Men’s surprise, Rogue visits them. She was the youngest member of the Brotherhood of evil mutants, who begs for Xavier’s help. Her powers and the second personality she absorbed from Carol Danvers (Ms Marvel) are driving her crazy. As part a member of the Brotherhood they once fought with the legendary Avengers. Sensing displeasure among the team, Xavier asks the antagonistic X-Men to leave, who try to work off their frustration with a Danger room session. However, the session Illyana programs turns out to be a facsimile of Limbo, bringing back her memories of her time there and causing her to briefly snap and attack Kitty with a magical sword she manifests out of nowhere. Later, Xavier tells the X-Men that he has decided to let Rogue both attend the school and join the X-Men.


To make matters worse, they are joined by Binary (Carol Danvers), who instantly attacks Rogue. After some fighting, the X-men threaten to quit if Rogue stays, until Xavier reminds them of the X-Men’s reason for being and tells them that he will never abandon any mutant. Reluctantly, all X-Men, save Storm, give in. Carol angrily leaves and Storm is left to wonder whether she should stay on as an X-Man, even though that would mean giving up her beliefs or leave. In Alaska, Madelyne Pryor suffers through a recurring nightmare and confides to Cyclops that she is the only survivor of a plane accident. Scott is shocked to hear that the accident occurred on the day Phoenix died.


Rogue (Anna Marie Raven), a "southern belle" who involuntarily absorbed the strength, memories and, in the case of mutants, powers of anyone she touched. Rogue was introduced as a member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, now led by the shape shifter Mystique. Her foster mother was Mystique and her nanny was Destiny. As a member of that team, she permanently absorbed superhuman strength and the ability to fly from the heroine Ms. Marvel of the Avengers, and turned to the X-Men for redemption.


In the meantime, Kitty awakens and Storm realizes that she now plays second fiddle to Kitty, as opposed to Colossus and Illyana. Nightcrawler, in the meantime, is unsure whether the New Mutants will accept him. During a father/son talk, Corsair tells Cyclops that his grandparents are still alive and suggests visiting them when this is over. They are interrupted by an unexpected visitor: Gladiator, praetor of the Imperial Guard. Gladiator informs Lilandra (who is staying in the mansion) that Deathbird has become Empress of the Shi’Ar, but that she is mad and unfit to rule.


There is more grave news though: Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four saved the life of the world-devourer, Galactus. Lilandra angrily contacts the Fantastic Four and promises them reprisals, should Galactus destroy any world known to the Shi’Ar.


In the meantime, the Starjammers have decided to leave soon to fight for Lilandra against Deathbird, accompanied by their newest member, Binary. Kitty shows Colossus a new trick with her powers and both of them share a kiss.


In the meantime, the operation has been successfully finished. Xavier now has a new body - with working legs to boot. However, he finds he can't stand or walk as there is still a powerful psychosomatic effect caused by his PSI powers. Nevertheless, he is happy to have the X-Men back alive. He introduces the New Mutants and announces that, as of now, Kitty will join the junior team together with Magik and Cypher.


Kitty is furious since Professor Xavier has demoted her - unfairly, she feels - from the X-Men to the junior team, the New Mutants.


Eventually though in Hunter’s Dance studio, Kitty listens to Stevie Hunter's advice and tries to convince Xavier of her worth, instead of just throwing tantrums. That strategy doesn't seem to work either, until Kitty notices an anomaly in the maintenance tunnels. Checking it out by herself, she first finds the little dragon that saved her life on Broodworld.


Unfortunately, she also finds three aliens Sidri, one of who neutralizes Kitty's phasing power with a blast. Staying in mental contact with Xavier, Kitty - with the help of her dragon - manages to neutralize two Sidri and is saved from the third one by Colossus.

Colossus, Nightcrawler, Cyclops, Storm, Phoenix II, Profesor X, Shadowcat, Rogue

The New Mutants are enjoying a quiet evening of television when, without any warning, the X-Men attack. The two teams fight while Kitty sneaks upstairs to deal with the professor, unsure whether that's right. Kitty catches the still-human Xavier sleeping and takes that as a good sign, unaware that his Brood embryo is already in control and that he has been playing possum. "Xavier" telepathically takes Kitty out and then fully transforms into a Brood Queen before the horrified others. With a lot of teamwork, the X-Men and Binary eventually manage to bring the Queen down. As Cyclops wants to deliver the killing blow, he realizes that Xavier's personality still exists alongside that of the Queen, as he begs Cyclops to kill him. Given that new wrinkle, Cyclops decides to try and save him. The Starjammers' physician, Sikorsky, and Moira MacTaggert decide to create a clone of Xavier and then transplant his mind.


Afterwards, Xavier admits that he is considerably impressed by her skills and readmits her to the X-Men on probationary status. Wolverine, in the meantime, has taken off for a vacation in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Xavier is still not able to properly use his newly cloned body's legs and he also has to deal with the revelation that Lilandra will be leaving soon to take up arms against her mad sister, Deathbird.


Before Lilandra left Earth she gave a gift to Xavier through the medical technology of the Shi’Ar she transferred the Professor's mind into a new, younger, cloned body. This gave him the ability to walk again.


Storm has trouble of her own as, for some reason; her weather powers slip out of control, when she tries to re-establish the link between her and the Earth.


The Strength of the Goddess


The former X-Man, Angel, is kidnapped and his girlfriend, Candy, is attacked and almost murdered. Candy manages to place a call to Professor X, though, and he sends Nightcrawler to save her. Later, the X-Men follow the kidnapper’s trail into the subway and even further down, where they are attacked by strangely deformed people. Eventually, they find the Angel as a prisoner of Callisto, leader of these Morlocks, mutants all. Callisto intends to keep Angel as her love-slave. The X-Men attack but find themselves eventually overwhelmed. Kitty, in the meantime, has scouted ahead and become separated from the others. When she eavesdrops on Callisto and some other Morlocks, one of them, named Plague, infects her with a fast-working illness. The delirious Kitty is found by the sad Morlocks- Caliban, who tries to help her. Realizing that he cannot cure her, he intends to ask Callisto and Plague to help, believing that then Kitty will stay with him out of gratitude.


Caliban, is a mutant with superhuman strength, speed, endurance, reflexes and durability, clawed fingernails, psionically track mutants, could absorb the fear from others to increase his strength and resilience or rechannel it to amplify the fear and panic of those around him, release a psychoactive virus that degrades the physical and mental conditions of others


Angel leaves the X-Men since he can’t stand Wolverine’s outrages anymore.


Spider-woman of the Avengers brings a young woman to the school, later she turns out to be Banshee’s daughter of whom he had no knowledge. Moira is a little bit jealous. It was Theresa Rourke and later known as Siryn.


Storm, Spider-woman, Stevie Hunter and Kitty Pryde go out to see the Dazzler perform, but Caliban who sensed beings like him disturbs the concert. Caliban is one of the underground-mutant leaders of the Morlocks.  Overeager Kitty tries to deal with the crisis in the concert, but is captured. Spider-woman and Storm rescue her while Dazzler deals with the crowd. It turns out that he only needs a companion.


The X-Men find themselves prisoners of the subterranean mutants called Morlocks, whose leader, Callisto, intends to marry the Angel. An attempt to break loose ends with Storm is infected with an illness, thanks to the Morlocks, Plague, and the X-Men being imprisoned again. Caliban, holding the deathly sick Kitty Pryde in his arms, joins them. Kitty had promised Caliban to stay with him if he helped the X-Men. Caliban begs Callisto to help Kitty and, when she refuses, he tells the X-Men that the only way for them to get out is to challenge Callisto’s leadership. Nightcrawler intends to do so, but Storm overrules him and takes up the challenge. She surprises everyone by ruthlessly winning the duel, almost killing Callisto in the process.


Callisto, a Morlock, reflexes, and sensory perceptions, regenerative powers, arms have been transformed into multiple suction tentacles. She has a maternal relationship with Marrow.


Storm announces to the Morlocks that she is now their leader and forbids them from harming any more humans, after which she antagonizes Callisto a bit more, leaving Nightcrawler to worry about the changes in her.

The Mojoworld


In Mojoverse, many artificial humanoids were created to serve the local lord named Mojo. One of them is Longshot.


He was one of many slaves created by genetic engineers in the employ of Mojoworld's masters, the grossly obese, virtually immobile Spineless Ones, who were ruled by the media-obsessed delusional maniac named Mojo. The Spineless Ones based Longshot's human-like design upon creatures of their own nightmares, which had actually been inspired by humans at some point in the past. The head geneticist, Arize, gave Longshot and several other creations, such as the ram-headed Quark, free will, a conscience, and "good luck" powers.


Longshot rebelled against the Slavmasters, and fled to Earth. A number of Mojo's servants, led by the hound-like Gog and Magog, pursued him, but in the process both Longshot and Magog received temporary amnesia. While recovering, Longshot befriended the human stuntwoman named Ricochet Rita. He also adopted the docile Magog, who he renamed "Pup", but the two fought and then fled from one another when Magog's memories and violent nature returned. Finally, Mojo and his assistant, the six-armed sword-wielding assassin named Spiral, followed Longshot to Earth.  He was rescued by the X-men and he joined later for the cause.


At this point the X-Men found new allies and convincing them in Xavier's cause, they are Dazzler and Longshot.


Dazzler (Alison Blaire) is a former disco singer, a New Yorker, who could turn sound into light and energy beams. Ability to convert sound vibrations into light of various forms and intensity


Longshot, a television action star with "good luck" powers from an absurdist alien dimension run by the tyrannical television network head Mojo. He do have an ability in create psionic knives. Longshot has hollow bones, three fingers on each hand and an eye flash. He is extremely agile, and has a mystical luck power that makes things work out for him. Longshot also has the ability to "read" an inanimate object's life story, called psychometry.


Heir of the Phoenix


In Dallas, Detective Valerie Cooper of the NSA and Raven Darkholme secretly known as Mystique of the Defense's department of research have a hearty talk about the mutant menace. Valerie isn't aware that Raven is really Mystique, leader of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.

Rachel Summers (Phoenix II)

Past of Future Days-- Rachel Summers, daughter of Cyclops and Phoenix in a divergent timeline, just arrived in present day New York where she is assaulted by Selene the Huntress. She is rescued in time by Xavier and the X-Men but is shocked to see them so different from her childhood memories. It becomes painfully clear, that she is now stuck in an alternate past not her own.


Phoenix II (Rachel Summers) has expressed the powers of telepathy, telekinesis, and "chronic-skimming," which allows her to temporarily transplant a person's mind and send it through time into a younger/older version, or a close ancestor/descendant, or as a disemboded astral form. For a time, she was also bonded to the Phoenix Force, and she had its cosmic powers at her disposal. As a legacy of the time she spent bonded to the Phoenix Force, however, she is able to physically time-travel of her own accord (and was shown taking another with her).


Brother’s Sake


A few months later, Professor Xavier has started teaching at Columbia, trying to do something against the rising anti-mutant hysteria. Yet after his lectures he is nearly beaten to death some of his students.


Brother of the late James Proudstar who is also known as Warpath, has captured Sean Cassidy (Banshee) in a plot to kill Charles Xavier, whom he believes responsible for the death of his brother, the original Thunderbird. Xavier, barely recovering from the beating received in last issue, and the X-Men go in a rescue mission, infiltrating the center of American air defense, where Banshee has been hidden.


Not only they have to fight Warpath, Empath, Roulette and Firestar, but they also are detected by the military, which are influenced by Empath. Eventually, Xavier convinces Thunderbird II that he didn't kill his brother -John Proudstar- died like a hero, but the X-men’s reputation is finally destroyed.


In New York, Nimrod is living at Jaime Rodriguez house and attempts to locate Rachel.


Warpath (James Jonathan Proudstar) an Apache mutant, with superhuman strength, speed, agility, endurance, reflexes, and resistance to physical injury, hyper-keen senses, self-propelled flight. He also used the code name Thunderbird II, in honor of his brother.


They were offered to stay in the Institute but Warpath and Firestar stayed. And Angelica Jones (Firestar) shortly leave the school. However, Empath decided to be part of the Hellions.


The Juggernaut is back in New York and it falls on the X-Men to neutralize him ... again. While they observe what Cain Marko is up to, they were all attacked by Nimrod. The robot and Juggernaut fight with the X-Men stuck in the middle, but they side against Nimrod when the robot starts attacking them as well. Nimrod quickly takes out Nightcrawler, Colossus, Wolverine and the Juggernaut. Eventually, Rogue absorbs the powers of Kitty, Colossus and Nightcrawler and the sensors of the robot get confused. She then manages to teleport away with one of it‘s arms and does further damage with Piotr’s strength, till Nimrod decides to retreat. To the media it looked like the X-Men and the Juggernaut working together against a law enforcer.


Professor Xavier telepathically "overhears" some of his students plotting somebody's death. Since he cannot use his powers to scan the crowd, he asks the X-Men, now allied with Magneto, to find the guilty parties before any harm is done. The X-Men feel uneasy about trusting Magneto, but they proceed as told. Rachel and Kitty discover that Xavier is the target of the assassination attempt and a bomb meant for Xavier nearly kills Rachel. In rage, Rachel drops all her covers and the X-men see her hound scars and outfit for the first time. Magneto manages to prevent Rachel from killing the assassins, as that would prove them right that mutants are indeed murderers.


The Beyonder observed the X-men and does not understand why Magneto kept Rachel from using her vast abilities, he decides that to understand humans he must become one of them. Elsewhere Nightcrawler meets with Father Bowen, as the encounter with the Beyonder has shaken his faith in god.

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