X-Men Chronicles: The Revolution

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An Outbreak- Legacy Virus


Forge is in the Kuwaiti desert, sifting through the remains of what is believed to be Asteroid M. The question remains: how come it is still largely intact. Forge comes to the conclusion that something, or someone, must have guided it back to Earth. Inside, the statuesque figures of three dead Acolytes face the broken armor of their lord, Magneto. Charles Xavier, meanwhile, enters into a live television debate with Senator Robert Kelly and the leader of the Friends of Humanity, Graydon Creed. Each provides their own arguments for and against human/mutant co-existence. Creed is clearly willing to fight for human rights, while Kelly finds himself agreeing with much that Charles has to say. Hank McCoy is brought into the debate and takes every opportunity to ridicule Creed, much to the amusement of his fellow X-Men watching the show at Harry’s Hideaway. Bishop finds a waitress working there a little suspicious. Also watching the show are the Upstarts of which Creed is a member. The Gamesmaster tells them that a new mutant that Fitzroy is molding for membership will be the last entrant to their game.


The Gamesmaster announces the next target in the Upstarts competition – Forge. In Dallas Forge has been helping Mystique, who fears to lose her true self between all the morphing. Suddenly Fitzroy attacks and the weapons of his armor are impressive. Forge tells Mystique to get help, while he distracts Fitzroy. Storm and Bishop are on the way to Dallas to enlist Forge’s aid in curing the Legacy Virus. Bishop joins the fight between Forge and Fitzroy, but gets injured, and actually it was a shape-shifting Mystique. As Storm flies up to join the fight, Fitzroy destroys the building.


Storm stops debris from Forge’s exploding building, but she herself gets hit by some parts and is about to get attacked by mutant haters. Fortunately a cop holds them at bay long enough till Iceman arrives to shield the X-men with his ice powers.


Meanwhile Bishop rescues Forge and Mystique inside the building. The other X-Men arrive to stop Fitzroy and Colossus goes crazy. He almost kills Fitzroy before Jean calms him down. At the mansion, Jubilee answers the door to find (Kitty Pryde) Shadowcat, who comes to visit the sick Illyana.

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